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ELO, New Pronographers, Jayhawks, Tori Amos, St Paul, Cutout Bin   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Friday, September 12, 2014 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


...with the ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA. Live at Fusion, circa 1976.  Your set list includes: "Poker," "Nightrider," "Showdown," "Eldorado Overture," "Can't Get It Out Of My Head," " Poor Boy (The Greenwood)," "Illusions In G Major," "Strange Magic," "10538 Overture," "Do Ya," "Evil Woman," "Ma-Ma-Ma Belle," and "Roll Over Beethoven."

THE NEW PR0NOGRAPHERS, Live at the Brill Building, where a fair amount of America's most popular music was written.

THE JAYHAWKS stopped by The Current for a chat and mini-set.

TORI AMOS played World Cafe Live in Philadelphia.

ST PAUL & THE BROKEN BONES performed a rollicking set of live music for a crowd of WFUV Marquee members.

LUCINDA WILLIAMS offers "Protection" ahead of Down Where the Spirit Meets The Bone.

PARQUET COURTS & FUTURE PUNX drop a split single.

THE LAST SHADOW PUPPETS are "Standing Next to Me."

KAREN O talks to Pitchfork about the soundtrack of her life.

CANDI STATON talks to The Guardian about her legendary career.

THE MERCURY PRIZE nominations are out

ELVIS COSTELLO & WEIRD AL YANKOVIC join The Who, R.E.M., Aerosmith, James Brown, Tom Jones & others as Simpsons action figures.

THE CUTOUT BIN: By popular demand, it's another special back-to-school edition streaming from the Pate page at the ol' HM.

NOW SHOWING:This weekend's wide releases include: Dolphin Tale 2, which is currently scoring 73 percent on the ol' Tomatometer; No Good Deed, which was not screened for critics; and The Drop, which opens near-wide scoring 78 percent.

RAY RICE told NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on June 16 that he punched his then-fiancee in a casino elevator, four sources have told ESPN's "Outside the Lines," an assertion that contradicts Goodell's statement this week that "when we met with Ray Rice and his representatives, it was ambiguous about what actually happened."

KANYE WEST was taken to the hospital in Australia on Wednesday, but he's alright, as Kanye goes. He had a migraine.

JOAN RIVERS: Here's Melissa's eulogy.  Also, Hugh Jackman told Jimmy Fallon that the late Joan Rivers had asked him to perform at her funeral, long before she passed away. The surgery clinic where Joan Rivers' heart stopped beating is calling BS on a report suggesting her death was caused by a biopsy that should have only been performed at a hospital.

KHLOE KARDASHIAN has called it quits with rapper French Montana ... because she still hasn't fully recovered from her disastrous breakup with Lamar Odom.

MARRED...WITH CHILDREN is getting...a spinoff.

THE UNITED KINGDOM: Defence Secretary Hammond said after consulting with his German counterpart that the UK will not be taking part in any airstrikes in Syria, as that was ruled out last year. The Prime Minister's office maintained, however, that regarding the use of air power and the like in Syria, "nothing has been ruled out," and said Hammond had been referring to strikes against the Assad regime.

FRANCE: Foreign Minister Fabius said France wants to participate in the airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria. Yesterday France had expressed willingness to "participate, if necessary, in military air action" in Iraq.

GERMANY: Foreign Minister Steinmeier said Germany would not be participating in airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria, and also said his country had not been asked to do so.

RUSSIA has warned that US air strikes against militants in Syria would be a "gross violation" of international law.

THE UNITED STATES signed up Arab allies on Thursday to a "coordinated military campaign" against Islamic State fighters, a major step in building regional support for President Barack Obama's plan to strike both sides of the Syrian-Iraqi frontier.

THE ISLAMIC STATE: A CIA spokesman says a new intelligence assessment estimates that the Islamic State group can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria, up from a previous figure of 10,000.

BRETAGNE is believed to be the last surviving search dog who worked at Ground Zero in New York City after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

50 FROZEN CATS weren't the wrost thing found in a Greenacers, FL home.

THE SQUIRREL THREAT: A militant rodent made off with some students' drugs.


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The Replacements, Generationals, Rosebuds, Haley Bonar, Baby Bear   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


THE REPLACEMENTS: Paul and Tommy played "Alex Chilton" on The Tonight Show, returning to the Peacock after getting banned from SNL.  Lorne Michaels only held that grudge for 28 years.  BONUS: Here are those infamous performances of "B^astards of Young" and "Kiss Me on the Bus."

THE GENERATIONALS are advance streaming Alix.

THE ROSEBUDS perform in the KEXP studio.

THE MURDER CITY DEVILS shake the KEXP walls with a live in-studio performance.

HALEY BONAR plays live at the Minnesota State Fair.

ARTHUR BROWN is the god of hellfire... and he brings you "Fire!" It's a crazy world.

THE MOUNTAIN GOATS' John darnielle has a novel published; io9 has an excerpt.

ALT J: Keyboardist Gus Unger-Hamilton talks to Stereogum about making their new LP, sampling Miley Cyrus, and soldiering on as a trio.

THE REPLACEMENTS, played for someone who's never heard them.


GWYNETH PALTROW reportedly is converting to Judaism.

RAY RICE: A law enforcement official says he sent a video of Ray Rice punching his then-fiancee to an NFL executive three months ago, while league officers have insisted they didn't see the violent images until this week.

JOAN RIVERS underwent an unplanned throat biopsy that reportedly cut off her air supply.

TAYLOR SWIFT believes Katy Perry is a thief, which is the reported basis of their feud.

LIV TYLER is expecting her second child.

SHIA LeBEOUF admitted guilt in is disorderly conduct case.

RICHARD KIEL, best known for his role as the Bond villain "Jaws" in the 007 movies The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker, has died at 74.

9/11: The first five minutes of CNN coverage. I came out of the shower, saw the second plane hit on NBC, and knew had had to contact my boss, whose daughter lived in NYC. There is still a lot of crazy stuff going on around the country and the world as a result, so consider taking a moment to watch and remember

RUSSIA carried out a successful test of its new Bulava intercontinental nuclear missile on Wednesday and will perform two more test launches in October and November, the head of its naval forces said.

LIBYA: Islamist militias continued their onslaught in Warshefana in an attempt to capture it; at least 43 people, mainly civilians, have been killed by shelling since Sept. 7.

THE ISLAMIC STATE: President Obama announced the United States will lead a “broad coalition” to defeat the Islamic State "wherever they exist"  through air strikes and support for military partners on the ground.

IRAQ: The NYT's Baghdad bureau chief recently did a Reddit Ask Me Anything, in which he stated that "after 2011 the administration basically ignored the country, and when officials spoke about what was happening there they were often ignorant of the reality."

A BABY BEAR makes for an unusual golf hazard.

AN ANCIENT SWAMP PIG with a huge pout has been named after Mick Jagger. No word on its moves.

KING LEO the CAT looks to shed some of his 23 pounds.

MUTANT BACTERIA thrives on radioactive waste

2821 Reads

Justin Townes Earle, Lees of Memory, Blake Mills, So Cow, Rabbit Island   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


SPOON went "Inside Out" for Letterman.

JUSTIN TOWNES EARLE plays a Tiny Desk Concert.

THE LEES OF MEMORY advance stream Sisyphus Says.

BLAKE MILLS advance streams Heigh Ho.

SO COW advance streams The Long Con.

THE HUSSY drops "EZ/PZ".

THE SPINNERS: "Rubberband Man." Guaranteed to blow your mind.

U2 dropped Songs of Innocence as a free download at iTunes (Apple footed the bill); it'll be available elsewhere on Oct. 13.

KAREN O talks to The Quietus about expressing more of her persona from a standpoint that’s outside the construct of Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

JEFF TWEEDY talks to MassLive about... Tweedy. (Thx, LHB.)

ARIEL PINK talks to Pitchfork about his colorfully bizarre forthcoming album -- -and explains why American culture is too politically correct for its own good.

ZOE SALDANA is having twins, according to...Britney Spears?

RAY RICE: The NFL never contacted the casino to request video of Ray Rice brutalizing his fiancee, Janay Rice, who posted a message on Instagram.

ROBERT DOWNEY JR talks to Vanity Fair about addiction, his and his son's.

SOFIA VERGARA's ex-bf Nick Loeb may have kinder words about her new bf than he does about her.

TOP GUN 2 moves forward, possibly with the screenwriter from The Jungle Book.

MINORITY REPORT is headed to TV, where it presumably won't be called Person of Interest.

UKRAINE: Eight weeks after a Malaysia Airlines plane disintegrated over eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 people aboard and triggering a frenzy of East-West finger-pointing, investigators, in their first account of the calamity on Tuesday, released evidence consistent with an attack by a surface-to-air missile but shed no clear light on who was responsible.

THE UNITED KINGDOM is sending £1.6 worth of arms and ammunition to the Iraqi government and the Kurdish regional government in Iraq to help them in their battle against the Islamic State.

SYRIA: An explosion killed the leader of one of Syria's most powerful Islamist insurgent groups Ahrar al-Sham on Tuesday, the group said, and an organization that monitors violence in the civil war said at least 28 of its commanders had died.

IRAQ: The he head of Kurdish intelligence service, which is helping pick the targets for U.S. pilots in support of Kurdish forces on the ground, wants airstrikes in Syria also.

SMOTHERED on Rabbit Island!

SHARK ATTACK Victim identified in Byron Bay on the New South Wales coast. Right at the height of tourist season.

LEMON the DOG works the plow and the pump at a farm in Siberia.

SPENDING A WEEKEND with...a movie star vulture?

2670 Reads

Chumped, Adam Cohen, The Both, Chuck Prophet, Baby Elephant   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Tuesday, September 09, 2014 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


CONOR OBERST drops a video for "Common Knowledge."

CHUMPED is advance streaming its That’s The Thing Is Like EP.

ADAM COHEN, son of Leonard, is advance streaming We Go Home.

THE BOTH played a mini-set at KUTX's Studio 1A

CHUCK PROPHET plays songs from 2014's Night Surfer live in the KEXP studio.

ARIEL PINK drops “Put Your Number In My Phone” ahead of pom pom,a double-LP.

GREASE is the word marking the start of the school year, with "Summer Nights" and "You're the One That I Want" marking Twofer Tuesday.

RYAN ADAMS gets a meaty profile at BuzzFeed about the making of his new LP and new studio. Adams has also dropped some quirky promos for the new LP, featuring Garry Shandling, Jeff Garlin, Don Was, and Bob Mould.

THE REPLACEMENTS are playing The Tonight Show tonight, decades after being banned by SNL. Keith Richards, Lord of the Undead, will also be there.

THE AFGHAN WHIGS' Greg Dulli talks to Billboard about Bob Dylan, the 21st anniversary of Gentlemen, and more. (Thx, Frank Yang.)

DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979: Jesse F. Keeler talks to Stereogum about how the new record came to be and just how much things have changed in the DFA universe since the last time they released an album.

THE DUKE & DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting their second child.

RAY RICE was let go by the Ravens on Monday and suspended indefinitely by the NFL after a video was released that appears to show the running back striking his then-fiancée in February.  TMZ's Harvey Levin promised more news today about what the league knew, and when they knew it.

NEIL PATRICK HARRIS and David Burtka tied the knot Saturday in Italy.

FRAN DRESCHER married the inventor of email. Really.

GEORGE CLOONEY claims his wedding is in a couple of weeks. Subterfuge?

BEYONCE & JAY Z: Wedding Crashers.

BRITNEY SPEARS's ex-bf cheated with an adult film actress.

BILL MURRAY has heard the rumours about an all-female reboot of his Ghostbusters comedy classic — and not only is he in favour of it, he has casting suggestions.

ROBERT DOWNEY JR says there are no plans for a fourth Iron Man film.

ESTONIA: The Estonian intelligence official seized by Russia thought he was going to meet an informant in a secluded spot on the border as part of an organised crime investigation but instead walked into an FSB trap, according to Estonian security sources.

THE ISLAMIC STATE: More than 40 countries have indicated a willingness to help in the fight against ISIS militants, a State Department spokeswoman said Monday. (Pres. Bush's "Coalition of the Willing" went as high as 48 countries).

SYRIA: The U.S. military took a unilateral giant step toward bombing targets inside Syria over the weekend as it swung its crosshairs west and began bombing Islamic militants in the western Iraq province that borders Bashar al-Assad’s war-ravaged country.

IRAQ's parliament approved a new government headed by Haider al-Abadi as prime minister on Monday night, in a bid to rescue Iraq from collapse, with sectarianism and Arab-Kurdish tensions on the rise. The US targeted the Islamic State in five airstrikes in Irbil and near the Haditha Dam. The Iraqi military claimed it killed 22 Islamic State fighters in Jurf al Sakhar. The Islamic State killed 17 Iraqis in a suicide assault in the town of Dhuluiya, and launched a large-scale assault on the town of Ziwiya.

A BABY ELEPHANT plays with tires.

AT 1,011 POUNDS. the Stokes Gator may be the largest American alligator ever legally killed by a hunter.

TWO ALBINO LOBSTERS caught in a week? Maybe too unlikely to be true.

PIGS on a zip line.

2658 Reads

Karen O, My Brightest Diamond, Steelism, Lia Ices, Spider-Dog   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Monday, September 08, 2014 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


THE NEW PR0NOGRAPHERS (minus Dan Bejar) play "Brill Bruisers" on Letterman.

KAREN O advance streams Crush Songs.

MY BRIGHTEST DIAMOND advance streams This Is My Hand.

STEELISM advance streams 615 to Fame, which is a little bit country, a little bit everything else.

LIA ICES advance streams Ices.

MICHAEL STIPE & BILLY BRAGG sing The Only Ones' "Another Girl, Another Planet" in the Czech Republic, as Natalie Merchant dances.

PATTERSON HOOD writes in American Songwriter about you-know-what.

THE FLAMING LIPS' Steven Drozd talks to PopMatters about the Electric Würms' Musik, Die Schwer Zu Twerk.

DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979 talk about their acrimonious breakup and reunion at The Guardian.

RINGO STAR is disgusted that British jihadis for the Islamic State are being given nicknames based on The Beatles.

WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: Guardians of the Galaxy again tops the chart with 10.2 million, as the traditionally slowNFL opening weekend brings just 52 million to the top 12 films. GotG should exceed 300 million this week, and has yet to addJapan and china to its 586.2 million take. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles places again with 6.5 million.  If I Stay shows again with 5.8 million and looks to turn a profit among these back-to-school doldrums. Let's Be Cops actually moves up to the fourth slot with 5.4 million and is likely decently profitable.  The November Man moves up to round out the Top 5 with 4.2 million; Fortunately for the studios, the budget was only 15 million and relativity picked up the domestic rights for 3 million.

JOAN RIVERS got a star-studded send-off; Howard Stern delivered the eulogy, Broadway singer-actress Audra McDonald sang “Smile” and bagpipers played “New York, New York”.

KIM KARDASHIAN denied the existence of a Kanye sex tape.

MILO KUNIS is nervous about the upcoming birth of her first child.

CEE-LO GREEN has been dropped from the lineup of two concerts, including one sponsored by the U.S. Navy, following recent controversial comments about rape that were reportedly posted on his Twitter page.

HACKED NUDE PHOTOS  of stars including Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton could still be coming to an art exhibit near you very soon.

JACK THE RIPPER: Unmasked through DNA evidence.

UKRAINE: Shelling hit areas near two key cities in eastern Ukraine on Sunday, intensifying fears that a ceasefire that took effect less than two days ago may be falling apart.

ISLAMIC STATE pamphlets and flags have appeared in parts of Pakistan and India, alongside signs that the ultra-radical group is inspiring militants even in the strongholds of the Taliban and al Qaeda.

SYRIA: The United States expressed concern that Syria's government might be harboring undeclared chemical weapons, hidden from the internationally led operation to purge them over the past year, and that Islamist militant extremists now ensconced in that country could possibly seize control of them.

IRAN has failed to address concerns about suspected atomic bomb research by an agreed deadline, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Friday, a setback to hopes for an end to an international stand-off over Tehran's atomic activity. Iran also accused the United States of not taking the threat from Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria seriously.

IRAQ: U.S. and Iraqi authorities have jointly ramped up their efforts to prevent terrorists from acquiring nuclear and radioactive materials as concerns mount that Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) is seeking to recover these sensitive materials and use them in a terror attack.

CHICA the SPIDER DOG terrifies Poland.

A ROGUE BEAVER attacked a snorkeller off the shores of Nova Scotia.

A COW attacked retired college basketball coach Bob Knight on a dark northern Wyoming highway.

THE SHRIMP that is anything but. It's the jumbo shrimp eleveting the term above non sequitur.

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