THE THERMALS: "Now We Can See." THE TING TINGS stopped by The Current for a chat and mini-set you can stream via MPR. DAN DEACON has an interview plus tracks streaming via NPR's All Things Considered. SONIC YOUTH: Thurston Moore tlaks to Stereogum about his duet with a cellist, The Eternal album, Sonic Youth's upcoming No Fun festival appearance, and their Twitter. NEBRASKA: Springsteen's 1982 album is reassessed at PopMatters in light of current economic conditions. 
PETER CASE underwent emergency open-heart surgery in January and is getting benefit concert to help pay the bills. Which is as good a reason as any to remind folks of solo songs like "Dream About You" and "Who's Gonna Go Your Crooked Mile?", not to mention a Nerves gem like "Hangin' on the Telephone" and the Plimsouls classic "A Million Miles Away." JENNY LEWIS talks to Metromix about her Disney and 'Big Lebowski' connections and more... BAT FOR LASHES: Natasha Khan talks to The Quietus about her fashion dictact, what gentlemen should be sporting this season, and how divine intervention can help a shopping trip. FRANK YANG talks to the National Post about his fab blog Chromewaves, the SxSW Hot Freaks showcase, and more... AMERICAN IDOL, in my world, would have a Lou Reed Week. 
LINDSAY LOHAN "was as orange as a carrot and her pupils were as big as quarters" as she sought out a party at the Chateau Marmont after her bust-up with Samantha Ronson. Meanwhile, Ronson's family are looking into getting a restraining order against Li-Lo. Lohan says she's in "absolute Hell," and was reportedly chugging vodka and crying about her breakup at h.wood club in Los Angeles Monday night. MADONNA: The long-missing father of 3the -year-old Madge wants to adopt has turned up. HEATHER MILLS says a reporter set up a fake charity to trick her into dishing dirt on her marriage to Paul McCartney and their infamous divorce. SARAH JESSICA PARKER & MATTHEW BRODERICK finally dunzo? CHARLIE SHEEN and Brooke Mueller's twin son Max was released from the hospital -- where he has been since his March 14 birth -- and returned home a few days ago. 
MICKEY ROURKE knocks out Chris Jericho in a less than Oscar-worthy WWE performance. LEONARD NIMOY introduced a surprise premiere of the Star Trek reboot in Austin, TX. Videos at the link. The early reviews are pretty good, though I think that's to be expected from the audience that was at the event. CHRISTINA RICCI will co-star in a movie Adam Sandler co-wrote about a man who discovers his parents were famous '70s porn stars. AFGHANISTAN: A controversial law condoning marital rape and reintroducing Taliban-era rules for Afghan women has been shelved after an outcry in the West. A would-be suicide bomber aged 11 has been arrested alongside Taliban fighters. IRAQ: An Iraqi tribal leader was assassinated near Mosul. Pres. Obama visited Baghdad for talks with Prime Minister al-Maliki. 
AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT: A cat with an English accent. MILITARY PORK: Researchers have dressed live pigs in body armor and strapped them into Humvee simulators that were then blown up with explosives to study the link between roadside bomb blasts and brain injury. DEERNAPING FOILED: Passers-by called the police after the deer stood on the car horn. DAY OF THE DOLPHIN: Dolphins' secret underwater language has intrigued generations of scientists, but no one has come close to cracking the code to understanding their mysterious sounds - until now. SAM I AM: A Croatian poultry farmer is doing a cracking Easter trade in naturally-laid green-colored eggs. BONUS: The Rev. Jesse Jackson.