...with THE PAISLEY UNDERGROUND! A two-part (Part 1, Part 2) feature from the Old Grey Whistle Test on L.A.'s psychedelic-flavored, West Coast scene in the mid-80s. Bands featured include the Long Ryders, Prime Movers, Thin White Rope, Pontiac Brothers and the Rain Parade with a 6 minute live version of No Easy Way Down. The Long Ryders get short shrift so I'll add in their later OGWT appearance to play "Looking For Lewis & Clark." The term "Paisley Underground" is believed to have been jokingly coined by Michael Quercio of the band The Three O'Clock, so I'll toss in the clip for "Her Head's Revolving" as a bonus. Other bands associated with the scene not featured include Green On Red -- sometimes likened to The Doors for songs like "Two Lovers" and "Change" -- and The Bangs, a/k/a The Bangles, with an early track, "The Real World." DOUBLE BONUS: The Guardian Music Blog has a link-rich piece on the Rain Parade and other Paisley Underground bands. ELBOW stopped by Morning Becomes Eclectic for a session. IRON & WINE stopped by WFUV for a session. RIDE performed in the BBC's 6 Music Live Room. 
JIMMY RUFFIN asks "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted?" STEVE WINWOOD talked to World Cafe about his career and new live LP. THE STORY OF GOTH in 33 Songs. PROTOMARTYR was profiled by Drowned in Sound. DAVID BAZAN talks to City Paper about all of this, plus Tom Petty, the state of evangelical Christianity, and exercising his songwriting muscles. 
NOW SHOWING: This weekend's wide releases include Justice League, which is currently scoring 36 percent on the ol' Tomatometer; Wonder, scoring 83 percent; and The Star, scoring 72 percent. JUSTICE LEAGUE: I once saw a movie about Earth's mightiest heroes teaming up to beat back an alien invasion called The Avengers. DC's team-up epic has largely the same plot, which is fine as long as the execution is good. And the execution here is ... adequate. The alien menace has none of the charisma of Loki, for example. Justice League is a bit better than the theatrical release of Batman v Superman, worse than Wonder Woman; though Gal Gadot's presence here helps considerably, her little solo sequence serves as a reminder that she's the best thing in this movie and that the script should have leaned more on the idea of this as her modern-day coming out. That said, Ezra Miller does fine providing comic relief as the Flash and Jason Momoa raises a little bit of promise for Aquaman (if not as much promise as Gadot did in BvS). Jeremy Irons gets the best line, as Alfred: "I'll bet." The score has a little fun subtly reprising some of the past DC movie character themes from Danny Elfman and John Williams. And DC picks up the Marvel habit of the post-credits sequence; there are two, the second pointing to The Batman. GAL GADOT is profiled by GQ. SYLVESTER STALLONE is vehemently denying an allegation he sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl. BRADGELINA: Pitt is also fixated on cementing his custody arrangement with Jolie. JUSTIN BIEBER & SELENA GOMEZ were caught canoodling on camera again. THE POPE blessed a Lamborghini. then put it up for auction. 
A RANDY BUCK molests two deer lawn ornments in Wisconsin. GUPPIES have personalities, say researchers. YOUR HOUSE is a gigantic bug habitat, and there's nothing you can do about it. A BABY TAPIR debuts in Cork.