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Kurt Vile, UMO, Big Talk, Spill, All Sounds, Chameleon   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Wednesday, July 22, 2015 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


KURT VILE drops "Pretty Pimpin'" ahead of b'lieve i'm goin down.

UNKNOWN MORTAL ORCHESTRA visited WFUV's Studio A for a chat and mini-set.

BIG TALK advance streams Straight In, No Kissin'

SPILL advance streams their self-titled debut EP. 

ALL SONGS CONSIDERED features tracks from Wilco, Sports, Palehound,  Night Beds and more in the latest edition.

LEMON PIPERS: "Green Tambourine."

TITUS ANDRONICUS: Patrick Stickles talks about his psychological damas and his new rock opera with Esquire. (Thx, Frank Yang.)

THE ZOMBIES (including the original members) will be touring Odessey & Oracle in the US this Fall.

DEF LEPPARD dismissed reports that US Presidential candidate Donald Trump will introduce the band at an upcoming live show. 

LYDIA LUNCH, still raging, rages against the commercialization of pop at The Guardian.

BLAKE SHELTON & MIRANDA LAMBERT: Did they divorce due to infidelity? Or was it that she didn't want kids



THE MTV VMA nominations went to these folks. 

BENICIO DEL TORO has the offer to play the villain in Star Wars: Episode VIII.

E.L. DOCTOROW, a leading figure in contemporary American letters whose popular, critically admired and award-winning novels — including “Ragtime,” “Billy Bathgate” and “The March” — situated fictional characters in recognizable historical contexts, among identifiable historical figures and often within unconventional narrative forms, died on Tuesday in Manhattan. He was 84 and had homes in Manhattan and Sag Harbor, N.Y.

THE 100 GREATEST AMERICAN FILMS, according to world film critics surveyed by the BBC

THE ISLAMIC STATE  is transforming into a functioning state that uses extreme violence — terror — as a tool.

IRAN: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said a speech by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday vowing to defy American policies in the region despite a deal with world powers over Tehran’s nuclear program was “very disturbing”. 

A CHAMELEON pops bubbles

THE SQUIRREL THREAT: A "drunk" squirrel caused hundreds of pounds of damage at a private members' club in Worcestershire.

SNAILS slug it out in world championship racing.

A GRIZZLY BEAR pushes a woman trapped in a glass cage of emotion for a Japanese game show. 

2378 Reads

Titus Andronicus, Desaparecidos, Philadelphia Collins, On An On, Cockatoo   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


BON IVER unveiled two new, untitled songs at the Eaux Claires Music & Arts Festival.

TITUS ANDRONICUS advance streams their epic rock opera, The Most Lamentable Tragedy.


PHILADELPHIA COLLINS advance streams the Derp Swervin EP.

ON AN ON advance streams And the Wave Has Two Sides.

FOALS drop “Mountains At My Gates" ahead of What Went Down.

DRINKS is "Laying Down Rock" ahead of Hermits On Holiday.

QUESTION MARK & THE MYSTERIANS: "96 Tears" and " Girl (You Captivate Me)" for Twofer Tuesday.

PAUL WELLER: The Modfather is profiled by Magnet.

PAVEMENT: Scott Kannberg, the band's rhythm guitarist, talks to Salon about the clattery early days.

THE BEST OF 2015 (So Far), according to the Toronto Sun.

AC/DC's fmr drummer Phil Rudd was released on bail on Monday after being arrested in New Zealand on a charge of breaching the conditions of his home detention sentence for threatening to kill a former employee.

BLAKE SHELTON & MIRANDA LAMBERT have split after four years of marriage.

AMY SCHUMER is interviewed by GQ.

NICOLE KIDMAN is profiled by Vogue.

CHRIS BROWN's close friends were in on the home invasion robbery.

TRUE DETECTIVE: Was it ever good?

GEORGE COE, an actor with extensive credits and a longtime activist in the Screen Actors Guild, died Saturday in Santa Monica, Calif., after battling a long illness. He was 86.

CHINA is planning a city the size of Kansas.

SYRIA: Jihadist groups in Syria, including the Al Nusrah Front and Ahrar al Sham, have established "Al Muhajirun" as a new front for foreign fighters. The alliance is intended to unite foreign jihadists and serve as a counterbalance to the Islamic State.

IRAN: The United Nations Security Council has unanimously endorsed the nuclear deal struck between Iran, the United States and five other world powers. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) criticized the administration for backing the UN vote on the deal before Congress reviewed it. Iran's parliament also has concerns, if you believe state-run media.

SAUDI ARABIA: The nuclear deal that will lift tough sanctions on Iran is mobilizing Saudi Arabia to turn the tide against its regional rival in Yemen and Syria before it makes an economic recovery, military officials and analysts say.

SOCCER COCKATOO: Let's go to the video.

NUT-BASHING MONKEYS offer clues about human evolution.

SHEEP perform King Lear.

WOULD YOU LIKE FISH WITH THAT? Breakfast at the Graham Center at Florida International University’s main campus was interrupted when the aquarium in the center’s food court burst Thursday morning.

2329 Reads

Paul Weller, Christopher Owens, Staves, Baio, Dog Flip   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Monday, July 20, 2015 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN stopped by the Wonder Bar to help out fmr Iron City Houserockers frontman Joe Grushecky with "Darkness on the Edge of Town."

PAUL WELLER talks to WFUV and shares some of his new music.

CHRISTOPER OWENS palyed a mini-set for KEXP's Midday Show.

THE STAVES stopped by The Current for a chat and mini-set.

CHRIS BAIO of Vampire Weekend stopped by Morning Becomes Eclectic for a session.

U2 played "October" for the first time in 26 years at MSG.

JIMMY PAGE talks to NME about future projects, and perhaps Led Zeppelin.

ALBERT HAMMOND, JR gets a lengthy profile at Stereogum, including his "Side Boob."

NOEL GALLAGER will be talking about Oasis, his brother, the 90s, Britpop, and New Labour on the BBC.

AC/DC's former drummer Phil Rudd is back behind bars just 10 days after being sentenced on drug and threatening to kill charges in New Zealand.

WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: Ant-Man tops the chart with 58MM, respectable, tho a couple million below projections. Against a 130MM budget, an "A" Cinemascore should keep it leggy enough that the overseas markets will bring it to breakeven in theaters, while setting up the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Minions places with 50MM, on a steeper-than-expected 57 percent drop; perhaps families went to Ant-Man. At 625MM worldwide against a 74MM budget, the animated film is doing just fine, thank you very much. The Trainwreck debut showed with 30MM, well above projections in the 20MM range. Against a 35MM budget, with good reviews and an "A-" Cinemascore, this should have no problem making money.  Inside Out takes the fourth slot with 11.7MM on a 34 percent drop, and it still has a chance to be Pixar's second-biigest movie behind Toy Story 3Jurassic World finally tumbled from second to round out the Top 5 with 11.4MM on a 37 percent drop; it becomes the fourth film to top 600MM domestic, and has surpasssed 15. Billion worldwide.

TRAINWRECK may be first and foremost a star vehicle for rising comedienne Amy Schumer, who also wrote the script.  But what you need to know is that it was directed by Judd Apatow, who is know best for movies like Knocked Up. Trainwrecked is largely the same type of story of a person with issues inspired to self-improvement by the prospect of love -- just with a gender reversal.  Think of Schumer as the female Seth Rogen here. Schumer's script is a worthy entry in this genre, with the requisite abount of sex and drug jokes one might expect in an Apatow movie, and Apatow directs it well, including the many cameos from non-actors like LeBron James (who does respectably here).  There's also a subplot involving Colin Quinn as Schumer's Dad (and the source of her psychological problems), the circumstances of which may be familiar to, say, people my age.

BILL COSBY talked about how fame and drugs helped him seduce young women in a 10-year-old deposition for a lawsuit filed by a young woman who accused him of drugging and molesting her.

DEMI MOORE ended up with a dead man in her swimming pool. Not her fault tho.

SIRS PATRICK STEWART & IAN McKELLEN deliver Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood" and "Blank Space".

WOODY ALLEN loves Emma Stone. If only she were younger.

GWYNETH PALTROW actually talked sense to her kids.

ALEX ROCCO, best-known for playing Moe Greene in The Godfather while you were going out with cheerleaders, died Saturday at 79.

IRANIAN Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Saturday the nuclear deal with world powers did not signal any wider shift in Iran's relationship with Washington or its policies in the Middle East. Kyle Orton (not from the NFL) outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the deal.

A DOG does a forward flip...of sorts.

THE LOCH NESS MONSTER is most likely a large catfish, according to an expert who has spent 24 years searching for Nessie.

SALAMANDERS join sperm-based flash mobs.

A BEAR broke into the Colorado Cherry Company and ate the pies...except one.

2338 Reads

Live Aid, Wilco, Jessie Jones, Keith Richards, Ant-Man, Dog   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Friday, July 17, 2015 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl



...with LIVE AID! 30 years ago on July 13, 1985, a trans-Atlantic rock even aimed at aiding starving people in Ethiopia (Its prime movers, like Bob Geldof & Bono, would later discover, actually getting the aid past the Marxist dictatorship would be the difficult part).  Let's start with the full set from Queen, because they knew how to work a Wembley stadum gig.  Your setlist includes: a partial Bohemian Rhapsody, Radio Ga Ga, Ay Oh!, Hammer To Fall, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions, and Is This The World We Created...? But on a more 80s note--and the event was certainly that-- we have U2 (pre-global stardon) with Bono working the crowd during "Bad," a pre-lip-syncing Madonna getting "Into The Groove," Phil Collins (who played both in Philly and London with help from the Concorde) playing "Against All Odds." The concerts featured their share of legends too-- Led Zeppelin blasting "Whole Lotta Love" with an assist from Collins, Mick Jagger and Tina Turner dueting on "State of Shock" and "It's Only Rock and Roll," and David Bowie (with help from Thomas Dolby and the band) delivers "Heroes." And for a day, they were.

WILCO will give you a shiny new album, Star Wars, in return for your email address.

ASHLEY MONROE advance streams The Blade

JESSIE JONES advnace streams her self-titled debut.

WATKINS FAMILY HOUR advance streams a cameo-laden debut.

OMAR SOLEYMAN advance streams Bahdeni Nami. 

KEITH RICHARDS makes "Trouble" the first release from his upcoming solo LP.

THE GOOD LIFE drops their latest single “Forever Coming Down,” the title tack of their upcoming album.

FOUNTAINS OF WAYNE work the car wash for "Denise," whom you may know as T'Pol.

RAY DAVIES talks to The Guardian about the art of songwriting, that difficult relationship with his brother Dave and how he once saw Madonna in Waitrose.

BOBBY FULLER: The short life and mysterious death of the Rock 'n Roll king of Texas.

TAME IMPALA: Kevin Parker talks psychedelia, Glastonbury, and more  with NME

BYRDMANIA: A feature by the late, great Derek Taylor, originally published in Melody Maker on 17 July 1965.

NOW SHOWING:  This weekend's wide releases are Ant-Man, which is currently scoring 77 percent on the ol' Tomatometer; and Trainwreck, currently scoring 89 percent. 

ANT-MAN: You will believe a man can fly...on the back of an ant. Like another of its lesser properties, Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel ladles some humor on the actiion and largely succeeds, though not on the scale of Guardians.  The story --and some of its kinetic style--bears the imprint of the project's fist choice for director, Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim, as polished up by Adam McKay and star Paul Rudd (who go back at least as far as Anchorman). This film adds father-daughter melodrama (far beyond Gamora's or Nebula's issues with Thanos in Guardians); while these are probably the weakest parts of the film, they do help the viewer invest in this micro-scale epic.  Rudd (a classically-trained actor, dontcha know) carries this all off with aplomb, assisted by a cast generally well-versed in comedy, including Michael Douglas as the original Ant-Man, Dr. Hank Pym (who in the comics also invented Ultron, who gets a sort of mention here). The surprise may be that Evangeline Lilly (Lost, Lord of the Rings) can also do a bit of comedy, albeit usually as the straightwoman to Rudd,  Another surprise is that this movie is more directly tied to the main Marvel Cinematic Universe than one might have guessed; the copious advertising managed to leave a few surprises in the bag, especially if you stay past all of the credits.

THE EMMYS: Nominations went to these folks. Congrats!

AMBER HEARD was charged with the illegal importation of Johnny Depp's dogs, meaning she could, technically, face up to 10 years in an Australian prison. 

CHRIS BROWN was targeted by the robbers who staged a bold home invasion robbery after tailing him to check whether he wass out clubbing.

AMY SCHUMER sexted Katie Couric's husband as Katie Couric. 

X-MEN: APOCALYPSE fans aren't thrilled with the first look at the film.

CHATTANOOGA: Four U.S. Marines were killed on Thursday by a suspected gunman who opened fire at two military offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee, before being fatally shot in an attack officials called a brazen, brutal act of domestic terrorism. The FBI named the suspect as Muhammod Youssuf Abdulazeez and said he was 24 years old. NBC reported he was a naturalized American born in Kuwait.

IRAN: It's possible the nuclear deal could be worth it. If Iran keeps its word and over time the government changes or moderates.  Fmr Obama adviser Dennis Ross believes Iran will cheat, and wonders what happens then. U.S. and Iranian officials confirmed Thursday that no American nuclear inspectors will be permitted to enter the country’s contested nuclear sites under the parameters of a deal reached with world powers this week, according to multiple statements by American and Iranian officials.

A SCARED HOMELESS DOG was rescued just before a major storm. 

A GORILLA shuns the paparazzi.

A RECENTLY DISCOVERED LEMUR has the largest testes per body weight of any primate, new research finds. 

THE BANANA DERBY -- a race involving monkeys riding on the backs of dogs -- will go on in Lake County, IL, despite objections.  

2187 Reads

Dawes, Leon Bridges, Great Lake Swimmers, Girlpool, Public Enemy, Cat   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: Karl


FIDLAR dropped a video for "West Coast."

DAWES stopped by The Current for a chat and mini-set.

LEON BRIDGES performed in the WNYC Soundcheck studio.

GREAT LAKE SWIMMERS also performed in the WNYC Soundcheck studio.

GIRLPOOL played a Tiny Desk Concert

PUBLIC ENEMY streams Man Plans God Laughs via Spotify.

SHARON VAN ETTEN drops "Words," from a documentary on comedian Tig Notaro, as well as the demo for  "Remembering Mountains," which appears on the recent Karen Dalton tribute.

LANA DEL REY drops "Honeymoon." 

SALLY CREWE drops the title track to Later Than You Think

DIAMOND KNIGHTS: "Destination Diamonds".  For the 70s vibe in the heat of mid-July.

B.B. KING: Medical examiners found no evidence to prove the allegation that the blues legend was poisoned before he died of natural causes in May, according to autopsy findings made public Monday. 

RYAN ADAMS rocked New Zealand with his crusading calls on behalf of an abandoned cat.  

JOY DIVISION: 10 of Their Best, marking what would have been Ian Curtis's 59th birthday yesterday. 

NICK CAVE's teenage son, Arthur Cave, has died after falling from a cliff in Ovingdean, near Brighton, England. Condolences. 

AMBER HEARD: Mrs. Johnny Dep, has been summoned to appear in court after being accused of smuggling the couple's dogs into Australia earlier this year.

CHRIS BROWN's house was invaded and his aunt was held hostage in a closet. Brown's mom claims it was an inside job.

GEORGE CLOONEY & AMAL ALAMUDDIN are trying for a baby

SIENNA MILLER & TOM STURRAGE have called it quits after four years together. 

DIANKE KEATON assumed LENA DUNHAM was a lesbian during Jennifer Aniston's Christmas party, 

DAN ACKROYD will be turning up in the Ghostbusters reboot. 

GREECE's parliament early Thursday accepted harsh terms demanded by creditors to receive the country's third bailout in five years.  Anti-austerity protesters hurled dozens of petrol bombs at police in front of parliament ahead of the vote, in some of the most serious violence in over two years. The International Monetary Fund has fiercely criticized the bailout deal offered to Greece by the eurozone, urging debt relief as part of a solution.

CHINA: What could they do with a million stolen fingerprints?

IRAN: The nuclear deal fails to address at least two huge issues. I'd add that it doesn't directly address the Bushehr nuclear power facility.

AFGHANISTAN: The American military has intensified its airstrikes in Afghanistan in recent weeks, expanding them to include a bombing campaign against Islamic State militants who defeated the Taliban in fighting over a sliver of territory in the eastern part of the country. 

A CAT, stiuck in a flip-flop

MALE BLACK WIDOWS trash their girlfriends' messy webs.

MONKEYS RACING DOGS are under attack in Grayslake, IL. 

DANISH HEDGEHOGS are dying in massive numbers. Dinsdale

2448 Reads

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