THE UNTOUCHABLES: "I Spy For the FBI." HAIM visits Sesame Street. LANA DEL REY shares "Candy Necklace" (ft Jon Baptiste). JENNY LEWIS shares "Giddy Up." PHOEBE BRIDGERS joins ARLO PARKS on "Pegasus." BEACH FOSSILS shares "Seconds." FRANK KOZIK, acclaimed poster and LP cover artist of the grunge era, has died at 61. VASHTI BUNYAN talks to Aquarium Drunkard about her new book, run-ins with Donovan, Nick Drake, The Stones and more. THE NUMBER ONES, on the Lady Gaga origin story and on "Just Dance," the right song in the right place at the right time. DISNEY+ & HULU are merging. MARVEL's SECRET INVASION shares a behind the scenes featurette. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - DEAD RECKONING PART ONE gets a behind-the scenes story at EW. TOM CRUISE and... Shakira? FREAKY FRIDAY is likely getting a sequel, with Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan expected to reprise their roles. KEANU REEVES is getting the band back together. DOLPH LUNDGREN says he's locked in an eight-year battle with cancer. TIM McGRAW's dog won Best of Breed at Westminster. HEATHER ARMSTRONG, pioneering mommy blogger, has died at 47. SHOULD I STAY or should I go? A SQUIRREL loads up. A TORTOISE's strange reaction to darker shoes.