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Beck's Puppet Show, Live YLT, CvB and BtS, Badfinger, and Free Bubba   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


BECK tells Jam! Music how he came to include the low-budget DVD and sticker set with his latest album, The Information -- extras that disqualified the album from the UK charts. He also talks about touring with his puppet show, as you can see in the video for "Nausea."

THE RAMONES' story may be coming to the big screen. According to Variety, producer Rory Rosegarten has bought the movie rights to the book, I Slept With Joey Ramone, an authorized biography written by the late Ramone's brother Mickey Leigh and punk rock writer Legs McNeil. Of course, when you put "Ramones" and "movie" in the same sentence, my mind immediately drifts back to "Rock N' Roll High School."

YO LA TENGO visited The Current, so you can stream a brief set from MPR. Ira Kaplan talks about his old and new faves, including his AC/DC guitar pick, for Pitchfork's "Guest List." James McNew recently spoke to Canada's Gazette about a variety of topics including differences in artists' creative impulses: "John Mayer. He

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Frank Black, Album Covers, Ides of March, Your Brain on Music, and Rocky!   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


FRANK BLACK is back o­n the solo track and prolific to boot, though he puts it in perspective to the Houston Chronicle: "But didn't Elvis Costello write an album a day or something like that? I don't feel that prolific. I guess I sort of spit out o­ne a year." Which is as good an excuse as any to watch "Headache" again.

THE NEW YORK DOLLS have announced tour dates. If you can't wait to see them, most of the video links I compiled in July are still good.

BATTLE of the ALBUM COVERS is a Terry-Gilliamesque animation that has the 'net abuzz, in case you missed it. Possibly NSFW.

WOXY, the indie internet station returned yesterday, in conjunction with a plan to allow members of LaLa.com to create their own radio stations for free public streaming. Details at C|Net.

I'M FROM BARCELONA frontman Emanuel was interviewed by Absolut Noise about the band's name (taken from Fawlty Towers), his day job and the buzz resulting from the video for "We're From Barcelona." Actually, the video for "Collection of Stamps" is alright, too.

THE YOU TUBE DEAL: Coolfer Glenn notes those who think Google is nuts to buy the site.

WHO'S LEFT lists "Music You Should Hear" for Amazon. And it seems like "What's Leftover" should be the title for the next Townshend solo album.

SEEN YOUR VIDEO: It might be that this song backed the radio promos for Chicago Bears football for many years. It might be the media frenzy over FoleyGate. Either way, I had a hankering to hear "Vehicle" by the Ides of March. Being a music geek, I'm compelled to add that the song was sung and written by Berwyn, IL native Jim Peterik.

THE WRENS: Pitchfork and Billboard have follow-up stories o­n the Wrens reissue news that Chromewaves reported last week. Pitchfork has more of the backstory, and suggests that "the matter of who, exactly, will be profiting from the sales of these reissues is still a sore subject." You can get a head start o­n all the Wrens goodness via the Hype Machine.

THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON MUSIC is a book by record producer (Stevie Wonder, Chris Issak) turned neuroscientist Daniel Levitin that covers a variety of topics, including the link between music and emotion, "earworm," why certain songs burn into the soul when we're young (it's science made Shrevie) and more. David Byrne and The Arcade Fire recently visited his lab. You can stream an hour Levitin did o­n MPR to promote the book.

REM: Marathonpacks has a review of the latest IRS compilation, with YouTube and MP3 links. (thx again, Chromewaves.)

THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS: Speaking of REM, NP frontman Carl Newman tells ChartAttack that the band's fourth album should be their Lifes Rich Pageant. (no thx, Chromewaves... I already found this o­ne!)

WHAM is reuniting for a Christmas concert at London's Wembley Arena. Cue Darth!

SCARLETT JOHANSSON tells Allure magazine that she is "not promiscuous," but not a "serial monogamist, either." And she gets tested twice a year.

MAD MEL UPDATE: In advance clips from his upcoming GMA interview with Diane Sawyer, Gibson calls his anti-Semitic rant "just the stupid rambling of a drunkard." Which, to paraphrase Wanda Sykes, is a bit of an unfair slur against alcohol. Drinking too much by itself does not cause anti-Semitic ranting. Mel needs to try harder.

BARBRA STREISAND tells her audience to STFU before delivering her message of tolerance. Not even The New York Times found the Bush-bashing funny, so it must have been pretty awful.

BRITNEY SPEARS may want to divorce Spenderline after he was busted with three strippers in his Las Vegas hotel room, but that ten million dollar prenup is a big disincentive.

JESSICA ALBA tells Elle magazine -- among other things -- that she doesn't dress for men or undress for movies.

BRADGELINA: Pitt and Jolie have made a 100K donation to the Daniel Pearl Foundation in memory of the American journalist who was kidnapped and eventually killed in Pakistan in February 2002. The couple arrived last week in Pune, India, to film the Pearl biopic, A Mighty Heart, based o­n the book written by the journalist's widow, Mariane Pearl, whom Jolie portrays in the film.

LINDSAY LOHAN in an action movie? Her mother says, "I would like to see her in a kickboxing movie. She could do it." No doubt.

VAUGHNISTON: After Jennifer Aniston denies rumors of a split, Vaughn is caught canoodling a mystery blonde in London. Pic at the link.

KIRSTEN DUNST wants to quit Hollywood and go back to school.

KEITH OLBERMANN is not just bad in bed -- he's so bad in bed a woman has started a blog o­n the subject.

LOST'S Evangeline Lilly and Dominic Monaghan are reportedly planning to get married next summer. Evie and her Hobbit were caught canoodling From Here To Eternity style by the paparazzi, but you might prefer to go straight to the Lilly cheesecake.

TED TURNER tells the National Press Club that when Pres. Bush said "Either you

7791 Reads

Twofer Tuesday, New Releases, Bowie & Davies, Albino Moose   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Tuesday, October 10, 2006 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


CAMERA OBSCURA frontwoman Tracyanne Campbell talks to Pitchfork about a variety of topics, including touring the US, technology and the significance of Lloyd Cole, who she says likes "Lloyd, I'm Ready to be Heartbroken." Meanwhile, Cole tells London's Telegraph why "cool" bores him, and his favourite club is a putter. Natch, I'm pairing the "Lloyd" video with Cole's video for "Are You Ready to be Heartbroken?"

NEW RELEASES: How slim are the pickins this week? Sting's album of lute music is streaming in full from AOL! Fortunately, Robert Pollard and Portastatic are streaming in full from Merge records. Chavez has a box set. Chicago's Chin Up Chin Up has released its sophomore album. A Hawk and a Hacksaw describes itself as A'cappella / Grunge / Disco House, but it's more like indie with world music (esp. eastern European) influences. And Nikki Sudden has a posthumous release.

THE POLICE: Speaking of Sting, Police guitarist Andy Summers is out promoting his memoirs, One Train Later, which claims that Sting is someone who "needs to control the crew or abandon ship." Early Pate gigs used to include early Police songs like "So Lonely."

GOOGLE BUYS YOU TUBE for 1.65 billion dollars, shortly after YouTube brokered a deal with media companies to counter the threat of copyright-infringement lawsuits. The buzz seems to be that copyright owners may be given the choice of filtering content off of YouTube or using it to target advertising. The latter would be the smarter move... and better for this site, natch.

PAUL WESTERBERG has designed his own guitar, which is for sale at Amazon and (soon) Wal-Mart: "You're not going to sound like your guitar hero o­n this thing, unless that hero is you."

THE HOLD STEADY gets a profile in the Village Voice in which the writer -- and some of the band -- seem to be getting slightly irritated by the Springsteen comparisons. You can still stream the album from Vagrant Records.

SEEN YOUR VIDEO: David Bowie joins Ray Davies for "Waterloo Sunset" live at the Tibet House Benefit at Carnegie Hall in 2003.

CBGB (omfug) is closing Sunday with a concert by club alumna Patti Smith.

THE LONG WINTERS frontman John Roderick claims it's important that his music "do work" in other peoples' lives: "There are songs out there that make people happy, simple as that, and there are songs that help people to be alright even though they

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Yardbirds, M Ward, The Decemberists, Frozen Gator and Python   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Monday, October 09, 2006 - 01:15 PM
Posted by: kbade


OUR FAST NEW HOSTING SERVICE knocked out the site o­n Sunday without warning, but if you're reading this, we are back, obvs.

THE YARDBIRDS' "For Your Love" was a long-running staple of the Pate playlist. Eric Clapton left the band shortly after the song's release, so you can see Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page wield the axes o­n "Train Kept A' Rollin'" in this clip from The Blow-Up. And Beck was gone by the time of "Shapes of Things." Yu can watch the whole story in a three-segment documentary, or you can just watch them play "I'm A Man" o­n Hullabaloo for the go-go dancers.

U2 is leaving Island Records for Mercury, because they just don't feel the label love anymore. Plus, TMZ has a picture of what the U2 Tower to be built in Dublin will look like.

TOWER RECORDS is going to be liquidated.

CAROLINE, NO: An R & B remake by Danish musicians makes Song of the Day at NPR. Plus the Pet Sounds podcasts at the 40th Anniversary blog now extend to that song.

M WARD recently played a World Cafe set streaming now at NPR. There's plenty more to stream via the Hype Machine, including an instrumental version of Brian Wilson's "You Still Believe In Me."

THE DECEMBERISTS recently played "O, Valencia" o­n the Peacock-net. The touring replacement for Petra Haden is a hottie. See it o­n YouTube before their lawyers do. BONUS: Just for the fun of it, here's Colin Meloy catching a tamborine.

JIMMY BUFFETT was reportedly busted for having 100 Ecstasy tablets in his luggage at a French airport. It would explain why he can never find that lost shaker of salt.

GOOGLE BUYING YOU TUBE? The rumors sweeping the internet are exaggerated. Google is apparently o­ne of many companies making offers, but a deal doesn't seem imminent.

TOM WAITS' Orphans launches an article o­n "rarities" albums in London's Sunday Times.

ROLLING STONE magazine censors itself and takes amusing, generalized abuse at Stereogum.

PETE DOHERTY UPDATE: Given that Babyshambles has had to postpone the rest of its tour so that the troubled singer can get more rehab, it seems like the offer to make him a drug counsellor is a wee bit premature.

WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: Martin Scorsese's star-studded gangster flick The Departed took top spot this weekend, earning an estimated 27 million -- a record for a Scorsese opening. Having seen it, I would say deservedly so; it's not Goodfellas, but it might be his best since then; I even forgive his gratuitous use of Gimme Shelter at the beginning of the film. Number two is Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, which made 19.1 million -- well off the 28.1 million the 2003 remake of the original earned, but more than the 16 million budget. Number three is Open Season, which dropped a mere 33 percent -- good news for Sony. Fourth was Employee of the Month, which made 11.8 million o­n a 12 million budget, so we are not done with Jessica Simpson quite yet.

BRADGELINA: Pitt worries that he and Jolie may have ruined Namibia's peaceful tranquility, so the couple has moved o­n to destroy the peaceful tanquility of Holland. Of course, things would be a little more tranquil if the couple's hired goons didn't throttle and threaten to kill the paparazzi. The good news is that Jolie wants to do more lesbian scenes, which pretty much makes it unanimous.

THE McCARTNEYS: Heather Mills would like to run down the paparazzi, but knows better.

KATE HUDSON and CHRIS ROBINSON BREAK-UPDATE: X17 scored pics of Hudson lunching with the Butterscotch Stallion.

ANNA NICOLE SMITH: Two more men are claiming to be her baby's daddy.

SCARLETT JOHNSSON: US Weekly has excerpts from her interview with Esquire magazine. Though that's really just an excuse to note that she posed in leather with a virtually naked Dita Von Tesse for Flaunt magazine.

MAD MEL UPDATE: Gibson's people deny that he's off the wagon and have announced he will start his redemption tour o­n Good Morning America.

EVA LONGORIA and TONY PARKER UPDATE: Eva wants you to see she's still with Tony.

SIENNA MILLER says that monogamy is overrated. Which will come as a surprise to her nanny-banging boyfriend, Jude Law.

TOM-KAT UPDATE: The current rumors are about a November wedding.

JESSICA SIMPSON was caught canoodling with Employee of the Month co-star Dane Cook at the film's premiere party.

MARIJUANA may stave off Alzheimer's disease. The same is being said of red wine. At least, regular consumption of either will make the Alzheimer's less noticable to family and friends.

THE STATE OF LIMBO is in limbo. Get ready to lower the bar and dance underneath.

NORTH KOREA probably tested a nuclear bomb. The US is analyzing seismic data, so there may be some question as to whether the test was successful. If o­nly Kim Jong Il were not so ronery...

IRAQ: Time magazine reprints a letter from a Marine officer whose "wry narration and unusually frank dissection of the mission contrasts sharply with the story presented by both sides of the Iraq war debate." Not that you couldn't find this stuff out o­n Milblogs, but it's nice, anyway. Instapundit rounds up a variety of opinions o­n momentum in Iraq. In the Washington Post, Ann Scott Tyson writes that the number of US troops wounded has surged to its highest monthly level in nearly two years. Later, she reports that "military experts say the number of wounded is a more accurate gauge of the fierceness of fighting," glossing over the fact that the media has focused o­n fatalities throughout. I previously noted Ms. Tyson's shoddy reporting o­n Sept. 14th.

COLUMBUS DAY: I get it as a holiday, so I thought a few words might be in order. Over the course of my life, I have seen the image of Columbus swing from unvarnished hero to genocidal criminal. Locales like Berkeley, CA have renamed the day "Indigenous Peoples Day. The ever-reliable Wikipedia still contains allegations of Genocide from Ward Churchill, though his bogus accounts were o­ne of the reasons he was dismissed from Colorado University. Columbus was certainly no sweetheart, but at the end of the 15th Century, it is fair to say that Europeans often did not treat each other all that well. Moreover, before the furriners showed up, Native North and South Americans engaged in slavery, tribal massacre, infanticide, scalping, human sacrifice, and the ritual skinning of slaves for their priests to wear. It was a far less civilized time all 'round. But the West is civilized today in part because of Columbus. Some four centuries-plus later, we all are still struggling to become more civilized, but focusing criticism o­n the more-civilized while giving the less civilized a pass is not particularly useful to that struggle.

AN ALLIGATOR was impaled by a samurai sword at a Moline Acres, MO home where another was found in a freezer, along with a four-foot python. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. Video at the link. BTW, the authorities "will also be pursuing charges o­n whoever stabbed this alligator."

A SNAKE CHARMER kissed 19 highly poisonous king cobras at Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum in Pattaya, Thailand, in an attempt to set a world record. I'm pretty sure there are some snake-kissing jokes to be made. Pic at the link.

A CARJACKING DOG will spend a few more days in lock-up before being allowed to return to the comfort of his kennel. But will he really appreciate the difference?

SCARY, DEFECATING DOGS have a small town in Nova Scotia contemplating banning man's best friends from its downtown core.

IS THAT A LORIKEET IN YOUR PANTS, or are you just happy... oh, wait, it is a lorikeet...

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Hoodoo Gurus, Iggy Pop's Rider, Flaming Lips Karaoke, Cutout Bin, Frankenbunny   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Friday, October 06, 2006 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade



...with the HOODOO GURUS: Check out the Hoodoo hairdos o­n their US debut single, "I Want You Back," then watch them rock the joint in Ann Arbor, MI with a live take o­n "Middle of the Land." BONUS: "Come Anytime," yet another gem from David Faulkner's hit factory.

LUST FOR LAUGHS: Many rock bands have unintentionally funny riders to their concert contracts, but Iggy Pop's rider -- apparently written by roadie Jos Grain -- is intentionally hilarious. For example, two heavy duty fans are required, "So that I can wear a scarf and pretend to be in a Bon Jovi video." A Bob Hope impersonator is demanded, and more. It should put you in the mood to hear "Lust For Life."

LIFTER PULLER, Craig Finn's predecessor to The Hold Steady, is Tom Moon's latest "Shadow Classic" o­n NPR, with three streaming tracks. The new Hold Steady album is still streaming at Vagrant.

MARTIN SCORSESE is working o­n a documentary starring The Rolling Stones. Granted, Scorsese did The Last Waltz, but for the Stones, wouldn't you have George Romero?

THE PIPETTES talk to London's Guardian about their love of classic pop and quitting their day jobs to reinvent the girl-group sound full time. Which is a good excuse to link to their early, primitive video for "Dirty Mind," a song which turned up o­n Grey's Anatomy last night.

FLAMING LIPS frontman Wayne Coyne sings a karaoke duet with Rufus o­n Pancake Mountain, a hip kids' show o­n public access TV in DC. I won't spoil which song they sing, but I will say I like it when Wayne holds the mic in front of Rufus.

MORE KIDS' STUFF: Colours are Brighter is a thirteen track compilation of children's songs recorded by the likes of Belle and Sebastian, Snow Patrol, Franz Ferdinand, Four Tet -- all of which are streaming from MySpace, with a Jonathan Richman track playing at the official website. It will be released o­n Rough Trade Records o­n the 16th, with all proceeds going to Save The Children.

NOT KIDS' STUFF: Plague Songs is a compilation from 4AD where each song is based o­n o­ne of the Biblical plagues. The site is streaming a new song every few days.

THE DECEMBERISTS get a rave review from NPR for The Crane Wife, with a link to a streaming gig from 2005 to boot. You can still stream the album from MTVu, too.

THE CUTOUT BIN: Friday's fortuitous finds from the Hype Machine include: 13th Floor Elevators - You're Gonna Miss Me (Was it the music?); The Stooges - 1969; Green Day - My Generation; The Who - Pictures Of Lily; The Jam - Beat Surrender; The Rezillos - Glad All Over; The Beatles - Rain; Giant Drag - Wicked Game; Neil Diamond - Solitary Man; Lovin' Spoonful - Nashville Cats; My Morning Jacket - Hot Burrito #1; Calexico - Alone Again Or; The Hold Steady - Your Little Hoodrat Friend; and Big Star - Thirteen.

KATE MOSS UPDATE: Jane Shepherdson, the brand director o­nce named as the most important woman in British fashion, dramatically quit Topshop amid reports of a row over the hiring of "Cocaine Kate" as a designer.

ANNA NICOLE SMITH: People magazine shows off its pics of the model's faux wedding. Meanwhile, ET reports o­n court allegations that Anna Nicole was hospitalized in the Bahamas to detox from an addiction to methadone -- the same drug that was found in her son's system when he unexpectedly died Sept. 10th.

NOW SHOWING: This week's new releases are led by Martin Scorsese's The Departed, starring Jack Nicholson, Leo DiCaprio and Matt Damon -- currently scoring 95 percent o­n the Tomatometer. Maybe Marty will get his Oscar this time around. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning is currently scoring 22 percent, though it's probably critic-proof for teenagers' date night. The Dane Cook-Jessica Simpson comedy Employee of the Month is currently scoring 29 percent -- whether that's critic-proof remains to be seen, though it got its two best reviews from Variety and The Hollywood Reporter -- which are (aside from Roger Ebert) the main reviews Hollywood reads.

GEORGE LUCAS, who virtually invented the franchise-tentpole film, says many small films and Web distribution are the future: "I think the secret to the future is quantity." So you know Lucasfilm's upcoming animated TV series Clone Wars is going to be all about quality.

KIM BASINGER pled not guilty Thursday to 14 contempt of court charges filed against her in Los Angeles Superior Court in connection with her bitter child custody dispute with Alec Baldwin.

PRINCE offered scantily-clad club dancers double their wages to stop gyrating o­n stage, asking the ladies, "What would your parents think if they could see you now?"

SHARON STONE was caught canoodling Jared Leto, who is a bit younger than she. Just so long as he keeps an eye peeled for the icepick...

BRADGELINA: Not o­nly does Pitt want Jolie pregnant again soon, he wants enough kids for a soccer team, though he seems to get that this means more adoptions.

SIENNA MILLER and JUDE LAW seem to be enjoying themselves -- at least he seems quite plastered in the pics at the link.

THE FRENCH HOTEL, who has been caught canoodling with Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker, took a roundhouse right to the jaw during a nightclub brawl with his ex-wife, former Miss USA Shanna Moakler. And Moakler o­nce dated Oscar de la Hoya, so we can hope she really landed it.

WE NEED A MONTAGE: Anyone who has seen Team America: World Police knows this, so Cracked has compiled The '80s Movie Montage Hall of Fame.

FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION is the next mockumentary from Christopher Guest and the ensemble that gave you movies like This Is Spinal Tap and Best In Show. You can watch the trailer in many formats at ComingSoon.

TELEPORTATION: Physicists in Denmark have teleported information from light to matter, bringing quantum communication and computing closer to reality. And brought even closer plenty of jokes about Star Trek and The Fly.

INACTIVISM: Penn students marched toward College Green, where they chanted phrases like "No more protests!" and "Down with activism!" College senior Livia Levine held a small piece of paper with the words "I will not make a sign."

IRAQ: At ITM, Mohammed looks at the current situation and lists the sins of the Iraqis and the sin of America, which might surprise you. The New York Times reports that hte Army and Marines are finishing work o­n a new counterinsurgency doctrine that draws o­n the hard-learned lessons from Iraq and makes the welfare and protection of the civilian population a bedrock element of military strategy. The paper notes that the military generally turned its back o­n counterinsurgency operations after the Vietnam War, which might suggest that SecDef Rumsfeld was not the o­nly person at the Pentagon not planning to fight an insurgency.

IRAN (and IRAQ): There's been some quiet journalism I have not noted here yet. Late last month, Bill Gertz reported that Iran was close to an agreement that would include a suspension of uranium enrichment. The next day, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice signaled support for such a deal. Since then, there has been talk of demanding progress from the Iraqi government, lest the US engineer a larger deal with Iran and Syria. Now we see Rice making a surprise visit to Iraq to press the new government. So it seems like the clock is ticking for Iraq with a timetable of months to show progress, not years.

SNAKES in a HOUSE UPDATE: Today's snake-infested home is in San Antonio, TX -- far from the original cases in Idaho. Creepy video and slide show at the link.

FRANKENBUNNY: Scientists are planning to fuse human cells with a rabbit egg, in the hope that the "chimeric" embryos, which would be 99.9 per cent human and 0.1 per cent rabbit, could lead to breakthroughs in stem cell research which could o­ne day cure diseases such as Alzheimer's or spinal cord injury.

PET HOARDING: Today's story involves 100 cats fouling a home in South Dakota. Pic at the link.

A GERMAN SHEPHERD apparently being struck by a car limped into a hospital waiting room in Bellflower, CA. "We didn't teach him that," said Buddy's owner. "I don't know how he figured that o­ne out." Pics at the link.

PATCHES the PITBULL: Indiana doesn't want him. Lord, he can't go back there.

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