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Gang of Four, The New Pornographers, One-ders, Beautiful People, etc.   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Thursday, April 28, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


GANG OF FOUR: Dave Allen gives an interview about the band reunion and the reissue of Entertainment! to Suicide Girls.

ON THE PITCHFORK: The New Pornographers' new disc, Twin Cinema, will be finished and released around August 23rd. Ben Folds' Songs for Silverman gets a decidedly snarky review.

PULP founder Jarvis Cocker gives BBC Radio 4 his desert island discs. You would expect Joy Division to make the list, but Engelbert Humperdinck?

LET'S GET IT OVER WITH: The Black Eyed Peas are planning solo careers after the release of their next album.

ONE HIT WONDERS are blogged at The Volokh Conspiracy. Is Looking Glass mentioned? Of course!

BRADGELINA UPDATE: Angelina Jolie has been accused of tipping off photographers about her romantic holiday with Brad Pitt, for personal and charitable reasons.

MADONNA: Famed movie director Norman Jewison is not wowed by Madge, to put it mildly.

BRITNEY SPEARS COMES IN LAST in an America Online poll of over 75,000 kids as to who would make the coolest celebrity mom. Jessica Simpson won. That's bad news for Britney and civilization generally.

LINDSAY LOHAN: Page SixSixSix comments o­n a blind item from the New York Post's Page Six.

THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE: Bradgelina, Jessica Simpson and the Lohan also made People magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People issue, due out Friday. Oops... Spears loses again. BTW, the Lohan is photographed with Ann-Margaret and there's a bit of a resemblance there. Jessica Alba makes it, natch. And Eva Longoria is the o­nly Desperate Housewife o­n the list -- let the catfight begin!

TOM CRUISE AND KATIE HOLMES have been dating for a few weeks. I can't wait to read the innuendo Page Six will ladle o­nto this story. Perhaps blatantly pointing out that both have big summer movies to promote?

AMERICAN IDOL: ABC News is hearing from Paula Abdul's attorney in advance of the Primetime Live expose set to air next Wednesday.

X-WING STARFIGHTER up for auction o­n eBay. You still have a couple of days to bid!

NETFLIX SENT BAI LING to meet and greet the hardcore Star Wars geeks camped out in front of Graumann's Chinese Theater.

IRAQ: Hours after gunmen killed a Shiite Muslim lawmaker in her home, Iraq's new prime minister submitted a complete list of 36 Cabinet members. The Cabinet would have 17 Shiite Arab ministers, eight Kurds, six Sunni Arabs and o­ne Christian, fulfilling promises by leaders of the Shiite majority to share power with ethnic and religious minorities; seven of the ministers would be women.

IRAQ II: Wednesday, there were plenty of headlines like this o­ne from CNN: "Myers: Insurgency same as year ago." The story itself is a little different. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Richard Myers noted that while the number of attacks was about the same as a year ago, that's less than before the election, half of the attacks are ineffective and U.S. troops are devoting more of their time to training Iraqi forces. Even so, CNN did a better job than the London Guardian, which claimed that "The Pentagon has said that Iraq's insurgents have lost none of their ability to inflict devastating attacks over the past year..." Apparently, the folks at the Guardian don't realize that the Internet allows people to compare coverage and spot this sort of thing.

GOOD MORNING, TIKRIT! Lt. Col. Todd Wood of the 3rd Infantry Division, 2nd Battalion of the 70th Infantry Regiment, does a weekly radio call-in show o­n FM 96.5, which the troops call "the Rock of Tikrit." The "hearts and minds" effort is so popular that it's rerun a couple of times a week.

JACKO JUSTICE: Michael Jackson's ex-wife Debbie Rowe testified that she was never scripted or rehearsed to say positive things about him to rebut a damaging TV documentary. However, she had been offered a list of questions by her interviewers. Rowe said of Jackson, "we've been friends and we were married." Asked about her domestic arrangements, she said, "We never shared a home." Rowe was not asked whether Jacko is the biological father of Prince and Paris, presumably due to a defense objection.

DOG HELD FOR RANSOM is recovered unharmed.

MEET THE NEW JAMES BOND, same as the old James Bond. But not the James Bond.

VIRGINIA WOMAN went to bed with her eight-year-old daughter sleeping at her side, but awoke in the arms of a neighbor -- who is a convicted sex offender.

HOMELESS MAN COLLECTS $230K in a lawsuit, spends it, files another lawsuit.

TOGO: Eleven deaths have now been officially reported in clashes between the ruling party and opposition forces in Togo in the aftermath of the disputed Sunday election. Wait, make that 22 dead.

ROBOT SCULPTURES: Wired profiles the Amorphic Robot Works, an artists' group operating out of a former ashtray factory.

DAVE, MY MIND IS GOING: A reporter for New Scientist plays Abbott & Costello with today's artificial intelligence.

DAVID SCHWIMMER AND KIM CATRALL canoodling? And to think I just ate...

LEBANON: As I previously suggested, Syria has not withdrawn a significant part of its intelligence presence in Lebanon.

THE HUFFINGTON POST: As the list of celebs signing up for Arianna Huffington's soon-to-launch group blog swells, fishbowl LA speculates as to who will actually be writing it.

PODCASTING AND RADIO: In May, Infinity Broadcasting plans to convert San Francisco's KYCY (1550 AM) to listener-submitted content. Business 2.0 asks, Who Needs o­nline Radio? A Newsday article surveys shows featuring unsigned bands, mp3 blogs and video.

PERSONALIZED POSTAGE: Although embarrassed when editors from the Smoking Gun website ordered stamps featuring a high-school photo of the Unabomber, former Serbian leader Slobodan Milosovic and Monica Lewinsky-confidante Linda Tripp, the Postal Service has given Stamps.com the go-ahead to bring back custom stamps for an additional year of testing. The Smoking Gun celebrates with a gallery of those wacky stamps, including sheets featuring the Rosenbergs and college yearbook photos of Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, who used the postal service to deliver his homemade bombs.

BELARUS: Police detained more than two dozen protesters who tried to present a petition to President Alexander Lukashenko o­n the 19th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

CONVICTED MILLENIUM BOMBER provided information o­n more than 100 suspected terrorists, helped shut down clandestine Al Qaeda cells and exposed valuable organizational secrets of the global terrorist network.

YO, HO, A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR YOU? Disney o­nline is developing a new massively multiplayer o­nline role-playing game based o­n Pirates of the Caribbean, to promote the release of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest in Summer 2006.

THAI MAN had around 50 maggots hatch in his ears. Everybody say it together: Eeeeeewwww!

4094 Reads

The Ramones, The Boy Least Likely To, George Lucas, Camille Paglia, etc.   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


3954 Reads

Mountain Goats, Sufjan Stevens, Exploding Toads, Zooey Deschanel, etc.   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


5296 Reads

Decemberists, Talking Heads, Superman, Donald Rumsfeld and Dolly Parton, etc.   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Monday, April 25, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


4304 Reads

Nights On Broadway, Ray LaMontagne, Satchmo, Lohan, v 1.1   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Friday, April 22, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


5967 Reads

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