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Links: Comfortable edition   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Thursday, March 10, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


5721 Reads

Links: Hump Day Fever edition   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


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Tuesday, March 08, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


A JOHN-AND-YOKO "BED-IN" is among the videos you can see at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's "1960s a GoGo" page. ALSO: It appears that Yoko has sanctioned a John Lennon Museum.

MEMO TO PHIL SPECTOR: There is a reason why you have the right to remain silent.

SWEET HOME JAMAICA: Bob Marley is given a retrospective in the new Rolling Stone.

LIMP BIZKIT'S FRED DURST has filed an 80 million dollar lawsuit against web sites that posted the footage and stills from the singer's X-rated romp with a former girlfriend. Gawker, the main blog of the lead defendant Gawker Media, responds in typical Gawker fashion.

KATHLEEN EDWARDS: The alt-country singer/songwriter, fresh off a third appearance o­n Late Night with David Letterman, is interviewed by Canada's National Post. You can hear streams from her new disc Back to Me, at her web site.

ROYALTIES BY THE DASHBOARD LIGHT: The Cleveland Plain Dealer recounts a tale of royalties, lawsuits and Meatloaf.

JOHNNY DEPP AND JOHN CUSACK attended the memorial services for Hunter S. Thompson.

HAMSTER HOME ALONE prompted a police raid in Berlin.

CATS: Image-recognition software is being used to stop Flo the cat from entering her house with a dead animal in her mouth. ALSO: A Madison, Wisconsin firefighter wants a law legalizing the hunting of stray cats. And I don't think he means Brian Setzer, either.

DOGS: The web site promoting the British comedy Gone to the Dogs features an o­nline quiz, "What Kind of Dog Are You?" It turns out I am a Dogue de Bordeaux, the breed featured in Turner and Hooch.

REAL INTERACTIVITY: Acts of Volition blogs that the interactivity of the internet goes far beyond the computer. Hey, the 2003 Claude Pate reunion and the very existence of this site prove the point.

PRESIDENT BUSH'S MOVIE WATCHING prompted him to meet with Paul Rusesabagina, the real-life hero depicted in Hotel Rwanda. Mr. Rusesabagina said that Mr. Bush was well briefed about what happened at the hotel; the two also talked about the mass killings in the Darfur region of Sudan, which the United States has labeled genocide.

MONTY PYTHON AND FOREIGN POLICY: Gerard Baker wites a column for the Times of London looking at U.S. foreign policy as filtered through Monty Python's Life of Brian.

A TINY BIT OF HISTORY is amde when fishbowl DC becomes the first blog admitted to the daily White House "press gaggle."

SATURDAY NIGHT LOOKS GOOD TO ME is a band from Ann Arbor that's going to be playing Chicago and SXSW. The band's site has some downloads that are very groovy, very Fauxtown in a late Jam sort of way, but with a cute lead singer anmed Betty Marie West.

A GIRL CALLED EDDY, in contrast, is cool chanteusery in a Dusty Springfield, Burt Bacharach sort of way. A Flash-based site allows you to listen to song snippets o­n a virtual turn table -- you drag a tone arm to the track you want to hear.

ROBYN HITCHCOCK is profiled in the San Francisco Chronicle, with a focus o­n Spooked, his collaboration with Gillian Welch and David Rawlings.

JOURNO SHOT BY U.S. TROOPS: The Moderate Voice has collected a boatload of links updating and reacting to the shooting incident that killed an Italian intel officer and wounded Giuliana Sgrena, a journalist being freed from the captivity of insurgents. I noted that the reporting of this story has shown some inconsistencies. CNN reprints Sgrena's story for her newspaper, the communist Il Manifesto. In this version of the story, Sgrena writes that the driver almost lost control of the car while trying to avoid puddles shortly before the shooting -- a detail not reported previously. Sgrena's article is also pretty revealing about her opinion of the war and the opinion of residents of Fallujah about her. Corriere Della Serra, an Italian newspaper described by the Guardian's media guide as a "centre-right daily that is critical of the country's current prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, is raising a number of questions about Sgrena's story, including, "Are we really to believe Giuliana Sgrena when she says that she personally picked 'handfuls of bullets' off the seat, but that, in this premeditated rain of fire from an armored vehicle against an automobile with no armor plating, only one passenger actually died?" It also looks like what we have here is Italy's failure to communicate, based o­n reporting from the Italian newspaper La Stampa, the politics of which are not identified by the Guardian's media guide, but which has been described as centrist by the BBC. It's possible that the trajectory of this story is being affected by the fact that Italy has elections next month. All the more reason to see what an investiagtion of the shooting discloses.

CULT OF THE iPod: Alexander Payne (not the film director, afaik) blogs about flirting through iTunes. The Washington Post rounds up a few gadgets to help mximize the hidden benefits of the iPod, including Bose's SoundDock, which my friend Shahin enjoys very much. And Associated Press reporter David Bauder believes his iPod is taunting him like a Greek chorus.

STEROIDS IN BASEBALL: There are plenty of links, plus commentary at Only Baseball Matters. Imho (and I claim no expertise), the commentary is dead o­n about used car salesman Bud Selig, but probably goes a bit easy o­n Barry Bonds.

THE TABLOIDIZATION OF SCIENCE: Iain Murray looks at a disturbing trend among science journals to chase headlines at the expense of the sort of nuance o­ne expects from a scientific journal reporting medical studies. Although this article is published at National Review Online, o­nly o­ne of Murray's objections has to do with politics.

ANTI-MUSLIM BIAS IN EUROPE: The BBC reports o­n a study by the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights that looks at "widespread" negative attitudes towards Muslims, including unbalanced media reporting which depict Muslims as "an enemy within." The main example used in the article -- the French ban o­n wearing head scarves in school -- may not be the best of examples: it appears that the hijab is a traditional, not religious head cover that dates back to ancient civilizations, and is not supported or advocated by the Quran.

THIS AIN'T NO MUDD CLUB, NO CBGB: New York's legendary rock club CBGB, which helped launch everybody from Blondie to the Ramones, faces closure if it does not resolve a dispute over unpaid rent with the homeless charity that owns the building.

KYRGYZSTAN: Regular readers of this site probably thought I was joking when I noted a growing democracy movement in the former Soviet Republic, but things are heating up there quickly after alleged violations of the election law in the first round of the parliamentary elections.

SUFFRAGETTE CITY: Women are protesting for the right to vote in Kuwait.

WONKETTE: Ana Marie Cox, the DC-base gossipblogger (who is even less family-friendly than I am) models for the Lucky magalog.

5863 Reads

Links: Come Monday edition   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Monday, March 07, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


6215 Reads

Links: 5-4-3-2-1 edition   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 06:00 PM
Posted by: kbade



Not the Proclaimers, not even half

FRIDAY TIME-WASTER: 238 Miles follows the journey of o­ne man listening to o­ne song -- ABBA's "Dancing Queen" -- all the way from Chicago to Iowa City. In Quicktime.

FRIDAY TIME-WASTER II: It's a non-English site, but you will intuitively understand how to play the game from experience.

WILCO'S JEFF TWEEDY and Stanford Law Professor-cyberguru Larry Lessig will discuss "Who Owns Culture?" The duo will "explore the artistic, commercial and legal issues that surround the Internet-enabled freeing of culture" April 7th at the New York Public Library. Sounds very Royal Tenenbaums, doesn't it?

WEEZER shot their forthcoming video for "Beverly Hills" at the Playboy Mansion. The band's web site claims that "[t]he idea of juxtaposing real Weezer fans with such an unlikely fantasy environment came from "Beverly Hills" basically being about the sense of alienation that many people get when they don't feel like they belong." Hanging out with Playmates had nothing to do with it.

EX-PISTOL GLEN MATLOCK does not want his kids exposed to profanities o­n television.

CATS AND DOGS can now get prescription eyewear.

MOVEON is profiled in a Rolling Stone article titled "The o­nline Insurgency." "Insurgents" is not really the label I would want stuck to me at this moment in history, but maybe the MoveOn folk will see it differently.

NANOTECH: The Center for Responsible Technology argues that nanobots are not needed for manufacturing, but continued misunderstanding may hinder research into highly beneficial technologies and discussion of the real dangers. Meanwhile, scientists have attached nanoparticles to DNA and then cut these "DNA wires" into pieces, offering the promise of creating low-cost, self-assembling devices for future computers.

GEENA DAVIS FOR PRESIDENT: On television, maybe. Better looking than Martin Sheen, definitely.

THE HEIMLICH MANEUVER turns into a drug bust.

THE BEST PART OF BREAKING UP is when you're publicizing it. Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen? Done. Katie Holmes and Chris Klein? Done. J-Lo? Not done attacking Ben Affleck.

EDUCATION BLOGGING: The fourth Carnival of Education is o­nline.

SYRIA UNDER PRESSURE to leave Lebanon from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Russia.

BUILD YOUR OWN STALKER'S SHRINE with a little help from the Google Image Montage Maker!

AS BASEBALL AND BASKETBALL OVERLAP right now, The New York Times looks at the influence of "Moneyball" o­n the NBA.

CULT OF THE iPod: accessTunes is shareware that allows people to make their iTunes library accessible over the web. Seems like a security hole to me! Drexel University will hand out free iPod Photo players to between 30 and 50 students entering its School of Education this September. Perhaps they can dress their devices to look like Chewbacca. Finally, fishbowl LA speculates that God probably has an iPod.

THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION AND BLOGS may collide in the near future. I think this story is a little overblown, though it's an example of the danger posed when the government gets to define who the "media" is for an exemption from the regulation of political speech.

DEMOCRATIC DIAGNOSIS: Matt Yglesias, blogging at The American Prospect argues that Bush's weaknesses in polls should cause Democrats to take a look in the mirror.

KUDOS TO WARNER BROS. from Slate over the excellent job the studio is doing in restoring and remastering their classics for DVD.

PORTIA de ROSSI, whose very mention drives traffic to our site, is interviewed by PAPER magazine: "I was an alt-rock kid. My roots are in the Pixies, PJ Harvey, Dinosaur Jr., Sonic Youth. The o­nly time I've been starstruck is when I met Kim Gordon last year. I could barely speak. She was kind of a hero to me growing up -- a talented, ballsy chick."

JOHNNY DEPP: Golden Fiddle has figured out the quirky actor's Oscars garb. PLUS: GF is also offering a download of John Logan's "New Used Car and a Plate of Bar-B-Que," which is charming, for those of you who haven't heard it.

LINDSAY LOHAN lashes out at her creepy dad in a forthcoming interview with W magazine. But she doesn't rule out doing a reality show with him.

CNN: Its ratings are tanking.

JACKO JUSTICE: It was o­nly a matter of time before we heard allegations of monkey business with Bubbles the Chimp.

BLOCKING JUDICIAL NOMINATIONS: It's a hot-button issue, so I'll limit my comments to a piece of practical advice for the Democrats. If you want to preserve the filibuster for President Bush's judicial nominees, do not make Sen. Robert Byrd your point man. People are bound to point out that Byrd set the Senate record for filibuster, speaking for 14 straight hours against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That's not a good ad for filibusters. Plus, he's already attracted the criticism of the Anti-Defamation League by comparing the Republicans to Nazis o­n this issue, resulting in o­ne of those too-typical political non-apologies. There are other Democratic Senators who could better work this issue than Byrd; indeed, there are over 40 of them.

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