...with THE FEELIES: The Jonathan Demme-directed clip for "Away" -- shot at the legendary Maxwell's in Hoboken, NJ -- probably best captures the band's more hyperkinetic live show, even moreso than this early clip of the title track to the band's first LP, "Crazy Rhythms." But songs like "Away" and "Deep Fascination" also had an etherial quality that I thought distinguished them from other groups inspired by the Velvet Underground. Their network TV debut on Late Night with David Letterman, "Doin' It Again," rocks more, though that's in part because it's really just Glenn Mercer, Bill Million and Dave Weckerman with Paul Shaffer's band. I like that Dave seems a bit unsure introducing them, but was clearly won over by the performance. ALL SONGS CONSIDERED is streaming new and advance tracks from Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Modest Mouse, Lucinda Williams, Erin McKeown and more. JOHNNY MARR talks to Harp about being "the new guy" in Modest Mouse. Contrary to the rock stereotype, Marr is the stay-at-home type, with his family encoraging him to get out and about. THE 2006 BLOGGREGATE -- a weighted survey of bloggers