Isobel Campbel & Mark Lanegan, Dr. Dog, Heligoats, Diffused Kittehs |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

DAFT PUNK drops "Derezzed" as a mini-promo for TRON: Legacy. ISOBEL CAMPBELL & MARK LANEGAN stopped by The Current for a chat and mini-set. DR. DOG also stopped by The Current for a chat and mini-set. THE HELIGOATS stopped by Oregon Public Broadcasting for a chat and mini-set in audio and video. TAPES 'N' TAPES drop "Freak Out" as an advance track to their third LP. SCHOOL OF SEVEN BELLS got a feature on All Things Considered. 
CHAIRMEN OF THE BOARD: "(You've Got Me) Danglin' On a String." TV on the RADIO's Dave Sitek does the 5-10-15-20 thing at Pitchfork and talks to PopMatters about side project Maximum Balloon, West Coast life, and the joys of landscaping. BAND OF HORSES: Bill Reynolds gets some hometown love from the Asheville Citizen-Times. KRISTIN HERSH talks to the Boston Globe about her memoirs and book tour. LONG WINTERS frontman John Roderick lists Seattle's four most conspicuous rock crowds for Seattle Weekly. 
CHARLIE SHEEN was found drunk and naked in a trashed New York hotel room, early Tuesday morning, in the company of a female, of some sort, unharmed. He was hospitalized. Sheen's rep blamed an allergic reaction to some medication. Sheen's hooker blamed cocaine. MAD MEL UPDATE: getting bounced from a cameo in The Hangover sequel, Gibson may be about to do a mea culpa. KATY PERRY & RUSSELL BRAND, contra a prior report from the ever-reliable Sun, were not menaced by a tiger. MARIAH CAREY, again rumored to be pregnant with a boy. TONI COLLETTE is expecting a second child. SEAN PENN's quasi-galpal, Sports Illustrated supermodel Jessica White, was arrested Saturday morning after she allegedly hit a woman repeatedly in the face in a vicious catfight over a taxi outside a downtown club. She was reportedly celebrating her breakup with Penn. CAREY MULLIGAN & SHIA LaBEOUF are officially dunzo. NATALIE PORTMAN has reportedly fallen out with her father over explicit sex scenes in her latest movie, according to the ever-reliable Daily Mail. FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA has begun quietly directing Twixt Now And Sunrise, a thriller with overtones of horror, and that his star is Val Kilmer. AL QAEDA is poised to overrun five states in North Africa and the Middle East, creating terrorist safe havens from which the network can launch attack on the West, Europe and the US have been warned. IRAN will not be defanged by sanctions (includes a good overview of the current sanctions regime). AFGHANISTAN: The massive military operation launched in April in the southern province of Kandahar will be wrapped up by the end of the year, the US commander in charge of the operation said on Monday. IRAQ: Tariq Aziz, formerly Iraq's foreign minister and deputy prime minister, is to be executed for his part in the persecution of Shiite Muslim dissidents. 
DIFFUSED KITTEHS: Now we have video. It's like The Hurt Locker, with cats: The Cat Locker. ESCAPED SNAKES take over the town of Xianling, in south west China. BEEMER, the boozing kangaroo. Aw. PAUL THE OCTOPUS, an unlikely star of the 2010 World Cup who 'predicted' the outcome of eight matches, has died at an aquarium in Germany. AN ALLIGATOR is still on the loose in Sarasota, FL, after eating a family's 50 lb. pet dog.
3118 Reads |
New Releases, E. Costello, Weekend, Brian Eno, Buffalo (Springfield & otherwise) |
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

FRIGHTENED RABBIT dropped a video for "The Loneliness & The Scream." NEW RELEASES include Bryan Ferry, Jeff Beck, Buddy Guy, Prefab Sprout, Crowded House, the Octopus Project, a slew of Bad Religion reissues, and more at Spinner. ELVIS COSTELLO is advance streaming National Ransom at the end of his Vanity Fair interview about it. WEEKEND is advance streaming Sports, "a tug-of-war between the forces of punk and shoegaze, tight rhythms and messy effects." BRIAN ENO is advance streaming Small Craft On A Milk Sea. 
BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD (minus the late Dewey Marin) reunited at Young's annual Bridge School Benefit this weekend. Watch 'em do one of my faves, "Mr. Soul," plus three more, at Stereogum. Like Twofer Tuesday times two. JOE CARDUCCI, author of the fab Pop and the Rock Narcotic, posts Bring Me the Head of Lee Abrams. THE REPLACEMENTS' ex-manager Peter Jesperson talks to the Limewire blog about the Mpls scene of the 80s. (Thx, LHB.) BEST COAST's Bethany Cosentino talks to the San Francisco Chronicle about touring and her cat. SQUEEZE: Glenn Tilbrook explains to The Guardian why the band is re-recording its back catalog. 
LINDSAY LOHAN reportedly can't afford to pay for treatment and now needs to find a sponsor to help cover her bill at the Betty Ford Center. TIGER WOODS: The first tell-all from one of his many bedroom conquests claims the "largely endowed" golfer liked three-way sex with women, fantasized about men and was stuck in a marriage to an uncaring gold digger. TAYLOR SWIFT & JAKE GYLLENHAAL spent the weekend laughing, eating and strolling together in New York City. KATY PERRY & RUSSELL BRAND had a man-eating tiger as a wedding crasher. MAD MEL UPDATE: Gibson baby mama Oksana Grigorieva has rejected the obligatory offer from Playboy. BRITNEY SPEARS: A new track from her upcoming album has been leaked months before its planned release, according to RadarOnline (but they aren't streaming it). MADONNA is opening a chain of fitness centers. Yes, really. BILL & TED, together again. TERROR in the USA: A Texas court sentenced Adan Mirza, a Pakistani national, to 15 years in jail for aiding and supporting the Taliban and the illegal possession of weapons. IRAN imposed new restrictions on 12 university social sciences deemed to be based on Western schools of thought and therefore incompatible with Islamic teachings. AFGHANISTAN: Pres. Karzai admitted to receiving "bags of money" from Iran and other countries but insisted the payments were legitimate aid. Recent widely-reported contacts between senior Taliban and the Kabul government have little to do with a peace settlement and involve scarcely more than exchanges of cash and prisoners, diplomats and observers have told the Guardian. The 'Birthplace of the Taliban' improves after latest the US offensive. 
WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM: A north Georgia swimming pool. Link thru for two videos. CRABS transmitted by vending machine. BOMB SQUAD diffuses a box of kittehs. HALOWEEN DOG PARADE: Pictures explain why dogs will ultimately turn on mankind.
3075 Reads |
Guster, Robert Plant, Beatles, Catty Cake |
Monday, October 25, 2010 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

WARPAINT drops "Undertow" as fthe irst video from The Fool. Directed by Shannyn Sossamon. GUSTER played the World Cafe Live on Friday; you can stream the gig on demand. ROBERT PLANT stopped by the World Cafe for a chat and mini-set. ELIZABETH MITCHELL: The "kindie rock" star gets a feature plus tracks from All Things Considered. THE BEATLES, Live in Australia. 
BILLY PRESTON: "Nothing From Nothing." KEITH RICHARDS, Lord of the Undead, talks to the New York Times about his book on the Rolling Stones' nearly half-century-long adventure. SLEIGH BELLS: Derek Miller talks to the Chicago Tribune about the band's new material. SHE & HIM: M Ward talks to the Vancouver Sun about Vol.2... and Vol. 3. DIVINYLS frontwoman Chrissy Amphlett discusses her breast cancer diagnosis. Could bring back "I Touch Myself" as a public service announcement. 
WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: Paranormal Activity 2 dominated the chart with 41.5 million against a 3 million budget. Ka-ching. Jackass 3-D plunged 57 percent, but still held the second slot with 21.6 million, for a total of 87.1 million against a 20 million budget. Red held okay in the third slot, given the competiton, taking in 15 million, for a 43.5 million total against 58 million budget; it will likely profit even before the DVD bin. Hereafter's wide debut shot up to the fourth slot with 12 million, a little over tracking expectations, but another middling opening for Matt Damon. The Social Network held alright to round out the Top Five with 7.3 million, having taken in about 73 million domestic against a 50 million budget. Below the fold, Secretariat held well at No. 6, but its breakeven receipts to date do not include a reported 50 million marketing budget. Overall, the weekend improved year-over-year, and should do so again easily next weekend, with Halloween falling on Sunday instead of Saturday. KATY PERRY & RUSSELL BRAND got married Saturday in a traditional Hindu ceremony. LINDSAY LOHAN: The judge sent her back to the Betty Ford Center instead of jail, but Li-Lo may have trouble affording the stay. MATT DAMON wife Luciana have welcomed another baby girl. CELINE DION gave birth to fraternal twin boys on Saturday. RANDY & EVI QUAID are seeking refugee status in Canada. THE TOP 7 SURLY MOVIE GHOSTS, according to the Scorecard Review. (Thx, LHB.) THE TOP 25 SCARY MOVIES, according to the Chicago Tribune. IRAN's First Vice President said UN sanctions are dead. That must be why Iran is secretly trying to set up banks in Muslim countries around the world, including Iraq and Malaysia, using dummy names and opaque ownership structures to skirt sanctions. AFGHANISTAN: A Taliban suicide assault team attacked the United Nations compound in the western Afghan city of Herat. Several members of the four-man suicide team were able to enter the compound before being gunned down by security guards and Afghan police. October has been a calamitous month for the Taliban in the North West of the country, but a large gap remains between killing commanders and dismantling an insurgency. Former Taliban officials see peace as being a long way off. IRAQ: The latest cache of WikiLeaks documents show that: most Iraqi civilian deaths were caused by other Iraqis; Iraqi police and soldiers were involved in torture; and Iran was -- and is -- playing an active role in supporting Iraqi Shiite militia groups-supplying them with rockets and particularly lethal IEDs, training their snipers, and helping to plot assassinations of Iraqi officials. Also, US troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specialists in toxins, and uncover weapons of mass destruction. 
CATS PLAYING PATTY-CAKE: Let's go to the video. KNUT, the world-famous polar bear, is being bullied by the female bears in his enclosure. PENGUNS are not gay; despite new evidence of homosexual behavior in the wild, they are just "same sex flirting" until they find a mate, according to a new study. A MYNAH BIRD who vocally demands to be taken out for a walk twice a day is filling the void for a dog owner missing his old pet. KITTEH survives being flushed down a toilet.
3005 Reads |
Squeeze, Best Coast, Walkmen, Cutout Bin, Monkey Trainmasters |
Friday, October 22, 2010 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

...with SQUEEZE! One of the things about curating this blog is the continuing reminder of how old I am. Last month, after puttingThe Shins cover of "Goodbye Girl" in the Cutout Bin, I got nice feedback via Twitter from a young lady who as a big fan of The Shins, but who never heard of Difford, Tilbrook & Co., despite their stellar string of pop gems, including "Take Me I'm Yours", "Cool for Cats", "Up the Junction", "Another Nail in My Heart", "Pulling Mussels (From the Shell)", "If I Didn't Love You", and the one most people know -- even if they don't know it's Squeeze -- "Tempted", which features transient member Paul Carrack on vox and keys. Fun fact: Carrack was also responsible for the classic, "How Long" as a member of Ace. BEST COAST stopped by the World Cafe for a chat and mini-set. CRASH TEST DUMMIES also stopped by the World Cafe for a chat and mini-set. THE WALKMEN stopped by The Current for a chat and mini-set. Peter Bauer talked to the Louisville Courier-Journal about the art of the setlist. (Thx, LHB.) DINOSAUR, JR: Jayloumurph. 
THE UNTOUCHABLES: "I Spy For the FBI." OF MONTREAL: Kevin Barnes talks to Westword about packaging, the Elephant 6 collective, and Yoko Ono. THE DRUMS: Singer Jonny Pierce talks to the Boston Globe about simplicity, losing guitarist Adam Kessler, and more... LIZ PHAIR talks to SPIN about embracing her polarizing quality. ARI-UP of The Slits died at 48. CUTOUT BIN: From Elvis Costello to Jimi Hendrix, from Belle & Sebastian to Led Zeppelin, from the Velvet Underground to Hall & Oates, plus Bruce Springsteen, Cee-Lo Green, Bob Dylan, Sky Larkin and more -- this Friday's fortuitous finds are streaming from the Pate page at the ol' HM. 
NOW SHOWING: This weekend's wide releases are Paranormal Activity 2, which is currently scoring 83 percent -- on early reviews -- on the ol' Tomatometer; and Clint Eastwood's Hereafter, which is scoring 52 percent. LINDSAY LOHAN could be sentenced to up to one year behind bars when she appears for her probation violation hearing today. Meanwhile, here she is naked on a hog. CHRISTINA AGUILERA made a late-night trip to a Los Angeles hospital in the days leading up to her divorce from husband Jordan Bratman, according to RadarOnline. BEYONCE not pregnant, according to her Mom. MAD MEL UPDATE: Gibson is out of The Hangover sequel. KATY PERRY got an Indian bridal nose ring ahead of her wedding to Russell Brand, rumored for this weekend. JENNIFER LOPEZ rolled out her twins as the faces of Gucci's new children's line. GLEE's Mark Salling thinks the cast's risque GQ photo spread is not a big deal. Dianna Agron apologized to anyone who might be "hurt" or "uncomfortable" by the shot, while noting the mag is not for kids. (Which is true, but irrelevant to grownup skeevy pervs.) THE HOBBIT cast is announced. 50 GOOD PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLERS, courtesy of Only Good Movies. TOP 20 HORROR FILMS, according to Fangoria's Blood-Spattered Blog. NORTH KOREA: A US satellite has detected increased activity at a NoKo nuclear weapons test site, suggesting it could be preparing for a third test, a South Korean government source was quoted as saying on Thursday. IRAN: Ahmadinejad and Argentinian Pres. Hugo Chavez vowed to form a "new world order." Turkey's deputy prime minister said Iran sanctions will not serve to further negotiations. AFGHANISTAN: A Taliban commander has told Sky News the bulk of its funding comes from the UK, where dedicated fighters are ready to launch terrorist attacks upon his order. 
MONKEY TRAINMASTERS: Let's go to the video. GIANT PIRANHA caught on the Congo River. RARE BOARS to be killed for their semen. THE SQUIRREL THREAT emerges from a toilet. Awww...
2863 Reads |
Ra Ra Riot, Massive Attack, Hey Marsailles, Banana Cat |
Thursday, October 21, 2010 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

THE NATIONAL roll out an alternate version of "Terrible Love." RA RA RIOT stopped by Morning Becomes Eclectic for a session. MASSIVE ATTACK stopped by the World Cafe for a chat and mini-set. HEY MARSEILLES played a Tiny Desk Concert at the offices of NPR. WEEZER: Rivers Cuomo has posted another pair of unheard songs on the Weezer website's forums. ORANGE JUICE is streaming five songs from the upcoming box set. (Thx, LHB.) 
BEN GIBBARD (Death Cab) & ZOOEY DESCHANEL (She & Him) sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "God Bless America" (respectively) at the Giants vs. Phillies NLCS game in San Francisco. MUMFORD & SONS are profiled at USA Today. The Fall's Mark E. Smith threw a bottle at them. CORIN TUCKER talks to the Village Voice about 100 Years, Twilight, motherhood and more... THE POSIES talks to Spinner about their new album and how growing up changes their songwriting. THE VELVET UNDERGROUND's Mo Tucker clarifies her political stand after appearing at a local Tea Party. 
LINDSAY LOHAN hopes the judge will send her back to Betty Ford instead of back to jail. The judge refuses to meet with Li-Lo's lawyer before the probation violation hearing. Betty Ford's treatment team tells the actress she needs to address her daddy issues. BEYONCE is pregnant with her first child, the new Us Weekly reports. ANGELINA JOLIE was high on cocaine when she did an interview with Charlie Rose in 2000 to promote "Girl, Interrupted," according to a man who claims he was her former drug dealer. JEAN-CLAUDE VAN DAMME denies reports that he had a heart attack on the set of his latest film, Weapon. KATY PERRY & RUSSELL BRAND, spotted flying to India, are just days away from tying the knot if rumors are true. BOB GUCCIONE, the founder of Penthouse magazine, died Wednesday in a Plano, Texas, hospital after a long battle with cancer. I can't top TV's Andy Levy. GLEE goes barely legal in GQ -- and it's beyond creepy, according to Salon. THE GREATEST SCI-FI MOVIES of the 50s, according to Den of Geek. (Thx, LHB.) IRAN complained that the jet fuel ban on Iranian aircraft in Western airports is illegal. The two remaining US hikers jailed in Iran will be tried for spying. The IAEA announced that Tehran has enriched 30 kg of uranium to 20 percent. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is demanding loyalty from top clerics and an end to defiance that has blurred once-clear lines of power since last year's disputed elections. AFGHANISTAN: Talks to end the war involve extensive, face-to-face discussions with Taliban commanders from the highest levels of the group's leadership, who are secretly leaving their sanctuaries in Pakistan with the help of NATO troops. 
COOPER the CAT, dressed as a banana split, eating a banana. Like the windmills of your mind. A 300-LB CHIMP ran amok in Kansas City, MO. A WALLABY died after being plied with ecstasy and drink at a birthday disco. STEWIE has broken the Guinness world record for being the world's longest domestic cat.
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