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claudepate.com Traffic statistics

This site has received 122621603 pages views since 07.2004, 9237 today, and 30015 yesterday.
The day on which there was the most traffic so far was Saturday, April 27, 2024 (157309 page views), while Friday, September 24, 2004 (2 page views) was the day with the fewest hits.
Most people visit on Thursday, with a total of 17900980 page views, while Sunday is the day with the fewest visits, with a total of 17131147 page views. On average, the busiest hour (with 5216406 page views ) starts at 4 :00, The hour during which traffic has been lightest starts at 23 :00, (with only 5011605 page views).


 MSIE: 3.215 %3.215 %3.215 % 3.215 % (3942543)
 Mozilla and Netscape:87.15 %87.15 %87.15 % 87.15 % (106871409)
 Opera: 0.428 %0.428 %0.428 % 0.428 % (525171)
 Konqueror: 0.008 %0.008 %0.008 % 0.008 % (10189)
 Lynx:0.000 %0.000 %0.000 % 0.000 % (1096)
 Search engines: 2.462 %2.462 %2.462 % 2.462 % (3019375)
 Unknown: 6.729 %6.729 %6.729 % 6.729 % (8251818)

Operating system

 Windows:16.87 %16.87 %16.87 % 16.87 % (20690411)
 Linux:5.262 %5.262 %5.262 % 5.262 % (6453087)
 Mac/PPC:1.504 %1.504 %1.504 % 1.504 % (1844650)
 FreeBSD:0.016 %0.016 %0.016 % 0.016 % (20685)
 SunOS:0.006 %0.006 %0.006 % 0.006 % (7507)
 IRIX:6.768 %6.768 %6.768 % 6.768 % (83)
 BeOS:0.000 %0.000 %0.000 % 0.000 % (232)
 OS/2:0.000 %0.000 %0.000 % 0.000 % (889)
 AIX:3.751 %3.751 %3.751 % 3.751 % (46)
 Unknown:76.33 %76.33 %76.33 % 76.33 % (93604010)

Visits by hour

0:00 - 0:59: 4.12 %4.12 %4.12 %  4.12 % (5041056)
1:00 - 1:59: 4.18 %4.18 %4.18 %  4.18 % (5110749)
2:00 - 2:59: 4.2 %4.2 %4.2 %  4.2 % (5140035)
3:00 - 3:59: 4.21 %4.21 %4.21 %  4.21 % (5148474)
4:00 - 4:59: 4.26 %4.26 %4.26 %  4.26 % (5216406)
5:00 - 5:59: 4.23 %4.23 %4.23 %  4.23 % (5172418)
6:00 - 6:59: 4.18 %4.18 %4.18 %  4.18 % (5115889)
7:00 - 7:59: 4.19 %4.19 %4.19 %  4.19 % (5130156)
8:00 - 8:59: 4.2 %4.2 %4.2 %  4.2 % (5138180)
9:00 - 9:59: 4.17 %4.17 %4.17 %  4.17 % (5098700)
10:00 - 10:59: 4.12 %4.12 %4.12 %  4.12 % (5044379)
11:00 - 11:59: 4.15 %4.15 %4.15 %  4.15 % (5081427)
12:00 - 12:59: 4.15 %4.15 %4.15 %  4.15 % (5085396)
13:00 - 13:59: 4.17 %4.17 %4.17 %  4.17 % (5101415)
14:00 - 14:59: 4.13 %4.13 %4.13 %  4.13 % (5060034)
15:00 - 15:59: 4.11 %4.11 %4.11 %  4.11 % (5032692)
16:00 - 16:59: 4.13 %4.13 %4.13 %  4.13 % (5050706)
17:00 - 17:59: 4.11 %4.11 %4.11 %  4.11 % (5029757)
18:00 - 18:59: 4.15 %4.15 %4.15 %  4.15 % (5084057)
19:00 - 19:59: 4.2 %4.2 %4.2 %  4.2 % (5136611)
20:00 - 20:59: 4.23 %4.23 %4.23 %  4.23 % (5178151)
21:00 - 21:59: 4.19 %4.19 %4.19 %  4.19 % (5125125)
22:00 - 22:59: 4.14 %4.14 %4.14 %  4.14 % (5068961)
23:00 - 23:59: 4.09 %4.09 %4.09 %  4.09 % (5011605)

Visits by day of the week

Monday:   14.23% (17444215)
Tuesday:   14.29% (17527999)
Wednesday:   14.27% (17497782)
Thursday:   14.6% (17900980)
Friday:   14.37% (17617418)
Saturday:   14.27% (17501044)
Sunday:   13.97% (17131147)

Visits by month

January:   7.84% (9615174)
February:   7.85% (9625802)
March:   8.65% (10604527)
April:   8.49% (10410392)
May:   9.56% (11718378)
June:   9.52% (11675857)
July:   8.45% (10358068)
August:   7.84% (9616305)
September:   7.67% (9401649)
October:   8.58% (10518090)
November:   7.88% (9661593)
December:   7.68% (9414687)

Miscellaneous statistics

 Registered users:40
 Stories published:5121
 Special sections:0
 Articles in sections:0
 News items waiting to be published:0

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