STEAM: The one-hit wonder with a synced take on "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye." NEW RELEASES: Paste will point you to Perfume Genius, Bartees Strange, Pet Fox, and more. BILL'S INDIE BASEMENT has Elizabeth Fraser, TV Priest, Fresh Pepper, and more. CHRISTIAN LEE HUTSON plays CBS This Morning, with Phoebe Bridgers to boot. ELVIS COSTELLO covers "Here, There And Everywhere" for Paul McCartney's 80th birthday. McCARTNEY's TOP 10 SOLO SONGS, according to Stereogum. STEVE ALBINI won a major prize at the World Series of Poker. THE TRUTH about screaming fangirls. RECORD LABELS DIG THEIR OWN GRAVE. And the Shovel is Called TikTok. THE NUMBER ONES looks at the Barenaked Ladies' "One Week." WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: Jurassic World Dominion repeats atop the chart with 58.67MM on a 60 percent drop which still beat the debut of Pixar's Lightyear,which took in 51MM, close to a third below its lowest $70M pre-release projection. Oof. Top Gun: Maverick shows with 44MM on an insanely leggy 15 percent drop; it's now Cruise's biggest movie and already has a multiple of 3.75x. MEGXIT: A report on claims that Meghan Markle bullied staffers will not be made public. PAUL HAGGIS, Oscar-winning screenwriter, was arrested in southern Italy on charges of sexual assault and aggravated personal injury. BILL COSBY's civil trial hits a snag as the jury's deliberations must be started over. GUY RITCHIE is overseeing a live-action film based on the Disney animated film Hercules. WONDER MAN is the latest Marvel superhero to get the screen treatment. PAUL WALKER is set to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2023. ROBERT SMIGEL, a/k/a Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, was one of seven people arrested for allegedly trespassing in a Capitol Hill building on Thursday night. ELVIS: The early reviews are much hotter on Austin Butler than the film as a whole. OVER 100 STINGRAYS glided just feet away from swimmers in front of the Lani Kai Island Resort in Fort Myers Beach. CLEVER DOG, maybe more than me. BEAR CUBS, trying to use a hammock. A DOGGO goes wild for a first kiss. PICKED THE WRONG DAY to get pictures.