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Links: The Trees Are Drawing Me Near edition   Printer-friendly page   Send this story to someone
Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Posted by: kbade


1,2,3,4...JOHNNY RAMONE memorial unveiled; Nicholas Cage, Vincent Gallo, Rick Rubin, Rod Zombie and others attend.

THE RASPBERRIES: Ken King will kill me for not noticing they were coming to Chicago (Actually, Ken will just be disappointed; Mark Flora would kill me).  They rawked, or power-popped, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

AWARDS SEASON: Ann Althouse simulblogged the Golden Globes. Drunken Stepfather has pictures of women in dresses. Dateline: Hollywood charts how red carpet coverage divides our country. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts announces its nominees for the BAFTA awards.

CLEAR CHANNEL: The radio giant wants to get into the digital music biz in the next year or two.

WILLIE NELSON is getting into the alternative fuel biz. Not for tax reasons, I hope.

THE SOUNDTRACK OF OUR LIVES is showcasing some new material in concert; at least o­ne reviewer likes it.

He saved too many to have a list.MLK DAY AFTERWORDS:  Since MLK Day fell o­n the 17th this year, not many people noted that it was also the 60th anniversary of the disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg, who saved approximately 100,000 Jews from slaughter during WWII.  He was o­ne of o­nly two people in history to be given honorary U.S. citizenship.  Anti-slavery activists used MLK Day to protest the U.N.'s failure to recognize genocide in Darfur.  Columnist William Raspberry thinks that half of King's legacy is being continued by Bill Cosby.

THE NEW YORK TIMES is partnering with a Swedish pornography distributor.

THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO joins a growing list of colleges with a student-funded sex magazine.  The debut issue was a hit.

Two Golden Globes, no love.CLINT EASTWOOD is ticked over the failure of Warner Brothers to fully back Million Dollar Baby, noting that the studio did not want Mystic River, either.  Great films that make a ton of money, directed by a legend... yeah, who would want that?

LILEKS: The first part of his Monday Bleat pays tribute to Ember's.  Having known a few people with the same types of memories Lileks has, I also thought of the post-Pate show jaunts to Perkins.

NANO-TERMINATORS: Scientists at UCLA have created tiny robots powered by rat muscle cells.

DEEP IMPACT: The NASA probe scheduled to shoot a copper projectile into a comet next July may rank with the Wright brothers in 1903, Sputnik in 1957 and the first human lunar landing in 1969. It may even save humans from extinction some day.

AL KHANSA is Al Qaeda's online women's magazine, with articles including dietary advice for suicide bombers and tips o­n how to "dominate the passions" before blowing yourself up.

He was asked to provoke...and succeeded.HARVARD PREZ LARRY SUMMERS sparked an uproar at an academic conference Friday when he said that innate differences between men and women might be o­ne reason fewer women succeed in science and math careers.  Not mentioned is that Summers was Treasury Secretary in the Clinton Administration; I suspect that had he been in the cabinet of a Republican, it would have been noted in these news accounts.

SERIOUS: A Romanian couple name their son Yahoo!

BRAD AND JEN WIRE: Jen moves in with her hairdresser; Brad will hawk Heineken during the Super Bowl; Jolie denies rumors; an animated GIF tells the tale.

FACIAL NEWS: Duprey Cosmetics signs a promo contract with Traci Lords.

IRAQ: Aussie blogger Arthur Chrenkoff regularly rounds up good news from Iraq, stating that "[w]hat follows is not the full picture of Iraq--merely that part of it you don't often see o­n the nightly news or the pages of newspapers."

KRISITN HERSH,  formerly of Throwing Muses, discovers it's bad timing to name your new band 50 Foot Wave and your new disc Golden Ocean.

Smothered in hugs...ON THE PITCHFORK: An essay and review of those final Guided by Voices shows.

KATE STELNICK weighs 100 pounds, but polished off an 11 pound burger.  Now that's a thickburger.

BILL GATES IN TEEN BEAT?  The Monkey Methods blog seems to have dug up the photos [Warning: this site disclaims any liability for any eye damage cause by viewing said photos].

VODKAPUNDIT reluctantly notes that the new Battlestar Galactica is not terrible.  I reluctantly agree.

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