HERE'S A FEW shiny new links to tide you through the Yuletime...
PULP CHRISTMAS: Video by Rankin-Bass, audio by Quentin Tarantino, colliding in this Quicktime clip. Not for the kiddies!
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS: "More is More" seems to be the slogan in Brooklyn, if this photo gallery is any indication.
CANDY CANES help U.S. troops find insurgents in Iraq.
SANTA SUIT gets boy barred from junior high school dance.
A CHRISTMAS STORY: Teenager accused of sniping at Santa with a pellet gun.
NORAD TRACKS SANTA here on Christmas Eve.
VISIONS OF SUGARPLUMS? Here's the recipe.
HONG KONG CHRISTMAS, sporting a "Hello Kitty!" Christmas tree.
CAN SANTA GET ME an 18-foot mecha exoskeleton?
WEIRD NEWS of 2004.
CNN: The Year in Entertainment.
PARIS HILTON: barred from Lloyd Grove's gossip column. It's the gift that keeps on giving!
DECEMBER 26th IS BOXING DAY, whatever that is...