Brandon Flowers, Hot Chip, Speedy Ortiz, All Songs, Echinda |
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

COURTNEY BARNETT drops a video for "Dead Fox." BRANDON FLOWERS advance streams The Desired Effect via iTunes. HOT CHIP advance streams Why Make Sense. Not really my genre, but they're good at it, and they can write.
ALL SONGS CONSIDERED: New tracks from the Mynabirds, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Downtown Boys and more in the latest edition. SPEEDY ORTIZ stopped by WFUV for an Alternate Side in Session. HOOTEN TENNIS CLUB drops "Kathleen Sat On The Arm Of Her Favourite Chair" as a single. Think Pastels or the Lemonheads. LEONARD COHEN drops “Got A Little Secret" from Can’t Forget: A Souvenir Of The Grand Tour, out next week. 
LOVE: "Your Mind and We Belong Together." Rare promo. SMASHING PUMPKINS frontman Billy Corgan called out the "fedkless idiots" of the music industry. On CNBC, no less. BEST COAST: Bethany Cosentino and Molly Ringwald chat about their horoscopes, the perils of the spotlight, and a shared desire to converse with their cats. SHELBY LYNNE is profiled at Paste. She enlisted Ron Sexsmith via the Facebook. EARWORM: Curable with chewing gum? 
ANNE HATHAWAY is set to star in Colossal, in which she'll have a connection with a giant lizard destroying the city of Tokyo. JUSTIN BIEBER continues his apology tour. HAYLIE DUFF had her first child with fiance Matt Rosenberg. JOHN TRAVOLTA, Cuba Gooding Jr., David Schwimmer and Sarah Paulsonwill tackle the OJ Simpson trial. MINORITY REPORT: The TV quasi-sequel has a trailer online. KEVIN SMITH reveals the title of the Mallrats sequel. THE FUGITIVE is headed back to the big screen, in some form. NORTH KOREAN Defence Minister Hyon Yong-Chol has been executed by anti-aircraft fire for disloyalty and showing disrespect to leader Kim Jong-Un, South Korea's intelligence agency said Wednesday. THE UNITED STATES reportedly killed an Ansar al Sharia official yesterday in a drone strike in an area of eastern Yemen that has been overrun by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. EGYPT: For months, a steady trickle of leaked audio recordings has appeared to offer a rare chance to eavesdrop on embarrassing conversations among the inner circle of army generals around President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Now, some evidence has emerged to suggest that they are accurate.
ECHINDA: Small creature, bug sneeze. MONKEY FARMS are under investigation in Florida. A 55-LB WILD BOAR dropped through the ceiling of a Chinese mall. A SEA LION awakened a sailor, who claims to know nothing of how it ended up in the next bunk.
2451 Reads |
Spirit Club, BNLX, Hall & Folds, Dev Hynes, Metric, Cat Bromance |
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

THE 13TH FLOOR ELEVATORS play "Earthquake" during their first live set in 47 years. SPIRIT CLUB, a Wavves side-project, streams a self-titled debut. BNLX streams Good Light. DARYL HALL & BEN FOLDS paly their songs Live From Daryl’s House. DEV HYNES drops 45 minutes from a rejected movie soundtrack. CLAP YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH drop the unplugged version of “Let The Cool Goddess Rust Away.” METRIC drops "The Shade," their first in three years.  STRAWBERRY ALARM CLOCK: "Incense and Peppermints" plus "Tomorrow" for Twofer TuesdayMAVIS STAPLES playlists the Songs That Made Her. If it wasn't Mavis, I'd make a sly declaration joke here. EMMYLOU HARRIS talks to The Guardian about the legacy of Gram Parsons, musical labels and why it took her nearly four decades to make records with her pal Rodney Crowell. HOP ALONG: Frances Quinlan tackles death, mental illness and difficult decisions at DIY. (Thx, Frank Yang) THE 10 BEST LPs Recorded at Abbey Road? Um, no. 
AMERICAN IDOL will end after 15 seasons. My fave moment was still Gladys Knight performing "Midnight Train to Georgia" by Jack Black, Ben Stiller and Robert Downey Jr., through the magic of CGI, to promote Tropic Thunder back in 2008. KRISTIN CAVALLARI & JAY CUTLER (Jerkface) are expecting their third child. LINDSAY LOHAN is set to arrive in New York City to finally fulfill her court-ordered community service. RACHEL McADAMS talks True Detective, Mean Girls, and taking a break from stardom. EMELIA CLARKE (Game of Thrones) is profiled by Bazaar. JAKE GYLLENHAAL was caught canoodling rumored gal pal Ruth Wilson in New York. COURTNEY STODDEN sold her sex tape for charity. EGYPT Four people were wounded when "suspected militants" targeted a judge who had sentenced radicals to death with three bombs placed outside his home in Cairo. Tribes in the Sinai have pledged to work with the government against extremist groups. IRAN: With a deadline to end nuclear negotiations less than two months away, the crippling sanctions against Iran are already beginning to collapse. SAUDI ARABIA's monarch pulled out of a summit to be hosted by President Barack Obama on Thursday, in a blow to the White House’s efforts to build Arab support for a nuclear accord with Iran. Senior Arab officials involved in organizing the meeting said not enough progress had been made in narrowing differences with Washington on issues like Iran and Syria to make the Saudi ruler’s trip worth it. SYRIA: US Secretary of State John Kerry will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi to discuss Syria and other issues. The Assad regime arrested its intelligence chief over suspicions of a coup attempt.
SEAMUS & ANGUS have a serious bromance going on. THE GREATER SAGE GROUSE & THE LESSER PRAIRIE CHICKEN face Congressional scrutiny. A COW who managed to get hall ticket for a professional entrance examination in India did not turn up. A GREAT WHITE SHARK is headed for NYC. What say you, Police Chief Brody?
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U2, Milk Carton Kids, Faith No More, Jim O'Rourke, Daniel Bachman, Dog |
Monday, May 11, 2015 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

U2 played several songs for Jimmy Fallon, busjed in the subway, and more. THE MILK CARTON KIDS advance stream Monterey. FAITH NO MORE advance streams Sol Invictus. JIM O'ROURKE advance streams Simple Songs. DANIEL BACHMAN advance streams River. ROBERT POLLARD drops "Take Me to Yolita" ahead of Faulty Superheroes. 
FIRST AID KIT covers Simon & Garfunkel's "America" for Letterman. PAUL WELLER talks to The Guardian about time, music, family, songwriting, bad habits, and more. BEST COAST -- and Bethany Cosentino's ambition -- is profiled by the L.A. Times. LANA DEL REEY & COURTNEY LOVE: Do they deserve Kim Gordon's scorn? GANG OF FOUR is profiled by Magnet. 
WEEKEND BOX OFFICE: The Avengers: Age of Ultron again dominated the chart with 77.2MM dollars on a 60 percent drop. That technically shows some potential weakness, though it's the second best second weekend after The Avengers. It broke the 300MM dollar mark this weekend, tied with The Dark Knight for the second-fastest to make that much. Hot Pursuit placed with a 13.3 million debu, playing primarily to women over 50. Even so, Reese Witherspoon is likely in better career shape with this unfunny comedy than say, Vince Vaughn or even Johnny Depp. The Age of Adeline showed with 5.6 million on a leggy 9.7 percent drop that puts the pic over its production budget. Furious 7 drops 21 percent to the fourth slot with another 5.3 million atop a huge pile of cash...but note Ultron is almost caught up with the flick that ruled the entire month of April. Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 rounds out the Top 5 with another 5.2 million on a leggy 12 percent drop. Below the fold, the very good Ex Machina went to 2000 screens and made 3.4 million on a 52 percent increase. GWYNETH PALTROW: "It’s incredible how much she is wrong about." LINDSAY LOHAN claimed she did her community service from home, but now is trying a cram session. CHRIS BROWN's naked intruder is getting charged with 3 felonies in court, but she is not being held on a 5150. CISSY HOUSTON is opening up about Bobbi Kristina Brown's condition. GEORGE MILLER talks up Mad Max: Fury Road at the Miami Herald. Their critic seems to dig it very much. NORTH KOREA has at least six nukes, is capable of mounting a miniaturized nuclear warhead on its new road-mobile KN-08 intercontinental ballistic missile, and claimed publicly that it has test fired a ballistic missile from a submarine. EGYPT: The Cairo Court of Appeals upheld a three-year sentence against 87-year-old fmr prez Hosni Mubarak on corruption charges, but -- accounting for time he's already served -- gave the OK for him to go home. SYRIA: International inspectors have found traces of sarin and VX nerve agent at a military research site in Syria that had not been declared to the global chemical weapons watchdog, diplomatic sources said on Friday. IRAN: The suicide of a hotel maid-after an alleged rape attempt by an Intelligence Ministry employee-has set off violent riots in northwest Iran.
DOG ON A DINGHY: I know it's serious. THERE'S A "FREE-ROAMING" BEAR in Dunwoody, GA, but the authorities don't much care. THE SWARM goes after the pizza delivery guy. WHY CATS freak out after using the litter box.
2316 Reads |
XTC, Elvis Depressedly, King Gizzard, Jose Gonzalez. Cats |
Friday, May 08, 2015 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

... with XTC! Live on Rockpalast, February 10, 1982. Your setlist includes: "Respectable Street" (still one of my faves), "Towers of London," "Runaways," "Jason and the Argonauts," "Burning With Optimism's Flames," "Snowman," "Ball And Chain," "Sgt. Rock (Is Going to Help Me)," "No Thugs In Our House" (another fave), "Senses Working Overtime" (ditto), "Making Plans For Nigel," "Living Through Another Cuba," "Generals and Majors," "Real By Reel," and "Life Begins At The Hop." ELVIS DEPRESSEDLY advance streams New Alhambra. KING GIZZARD & THE WIZARD LIZARD advance stream the Quarters EP. JOSE GONZALEZ stopped by Morning Becomes Eclectic for a session. ALL SONGS CONSIDERED: Nine Creative Musicians You Should Know (tho regular Pate visitors should know Django Django already). SHARON VAN ETTEN drops "Just Like Blood," ahead of her upcoming EP, I Don't Want To Let You Down. TAME IMPALA drops "Eventually" ahead of Currents. 
SIR PAUL McCARTNEY: "Birthday." THE WHO: Pete Townshend talks reunions, foreign policy, Bob Dylan, Led Zep, Spotify, and more at Rolling Stone. B.B. KING's daughter goes to court against his manager. PAUL WELLER picks his top 13 albums at The Quietus. THE COMPLETE 4AD STORY: An oral history. (Thx, Frank Yang.) PRINCE will play a "Rally 4 Peace" concert in Baltimore this Sunday. 
NOW SHOWING: This weekend's wide releases include Hot Pursuit, which is currently scoring 7 percent on the ol' Tomatometer; and The D Train, scoring 44 percent. CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR adds the Black Panther and Ant-Man. Is it too much of a good thing? ADAM LEVINE was sugar-bombed before performing on Kimmel. LINDSAY LOHAN hasn't done her community service hours. Again. THE MINDY PROJECT is moving to Hulu. CHRIS BROWN came home to a a possibly nutty woman sleeping in his bed. JAMES FRANCO writes in the Washington Post about his days working at McDonald's, and using fake accents when he took orders to practice for acting class. THE HATEFUL EIGHT: Entertainment Weekly has a preview of Quentin Tarantino's next film. SAUDI ARABIA considers nuclear weapons to counter-balance Iran. Boy, no one saw that coming. THE UNITED STATES will re-engage with Gulf State allies at a summit next week on a proposal for a common ballistic missile defense system that could act as a deterrent to a potentially nuclear armed Iran. IRAN welcomes war with the United States. IRAQI security forces are "all but cut off" at the Baiji oil refinery by ISIS and now only control about 20 percent of the facility.
CATS KNOCKING STUFF OVER: A supercut. 3500 BIRDS died at the Ivanpah solar energy plant in its first year of operation. PIGS are trained for diving in China. A NEW PENIS WORM has been discovered by scientists.
2291 Reads |
Errol Brown RIP, Pfarmers, Alabama Shakes, Ben Gibbard, Corgi |
Thursday, May 07, 2015 - 08:00 AM Posted by: Karl

ERROL BROWN, the singer who as the ultra-smooth frontman of Hot Chocolate became one of Britain’s most successful musicians, has died from liver cancer. He was 71. The band's catalog is deeper and stranger than "You Sexy Thing." In fact, I posted that one recently, so here's "Every 1's a Winner." PFARMERS, ft members of The National, Menomena, and contributors to Sufjan Stevens and St. Vincent, advance stream Gunnera. THE ALABAMA SHAKES stopped by Morning Becomes Eclectic for a session. BEN GIBBARD stopped by The Current for a chat and mini-set. THE LONDON SOULS stopped by World Cafe for a chat and mini-set. EDDIE MURPHY drops "Oh Jah Jah." Oh my. 
THE ROLLING STONES' "Satisfaction" turned 50 yesterday. Take it away, Jimmy Fallon. SQUEEZE: The Making of "Up the Junction." MY MORNING JACKET: Jim James is quoted in a Paste profile of the band and The Waterfall. PANDORA got FCC approval to buy an FM radio station, with implications for its royalty rates. NICK CAVE Meets Dr. Seuss. 
ORSON WELLES would've turned 100 years old yesterday. Entertainment Weekly had some good advice for the layman on appreciating Welles, though it misses The War of the Worlds and The Magniicent Ambersons. The point about Citizen Kane being nearly impossible for modern audiences to truly appreciate because its innovations so changed evrything since is particularly apt. Consider that The Social Network was one of the best films of 2010, and it borrows tons from Kane. The WSJ has a nice video overview of his career also. Vox has a piece on his insane work ethic at the start of his career, without mentioning he used to hire an ambulance to take him between jobs in NYC. Grantland took a long look at The Lady From Shanghai. And this month's Vanity Fair has a piece on his unfinished film, The Other Side of the Wind. SOPHIE HAWKINS denies dating ROSIE O'DONNELL. As you would. BRUCE JENNER's kids secretly despise the Kardashians. As you would. JOSS WHEDON denied he quit Twitter over feminist reactions to Age of Ultron. But there's more between the lines. BRADLEY COOPER & IRINA SHAYK were caught canoodling after the Met Gala. CHARLIZE THERON talks about pay inequities in Hollywood, and life with Sean Penn, with Elle. BIG BIRD almost died in the Challenger disaster. SYRIA: Two years after President Bashar al-Assad agreed to dismantle Syria's chemical weapons stockpile, there is mounting evidence that his government is flouting international law to drop cheap, jerry-built chlorine bombs on insurgent-held areas. A new round of UN-backed peace talks has started in Geneva. The French president admitted to supplying Syrian rebels with weapons in 2012. EGYPT proposed blocking extremist media during an anti-Islamic State conference in Cairo. THE ISLAMIC STATE's efforts to expand its reach beyond Iraq and Syria have spurred a debate within the coalition that the United States has assembled to confront the group about whether it needs to broaden its campaign.
TEAGEN THE CORGI chases her own...treat. A PEACOCK is on the lam in Pasco, WA. A CROCODILE bites below the belt. IT'S BEAVER SEASON in Patagonia.
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